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Aven-Jazz Cafe is the third stage in Bazaar of the Pirate King.


  • 8 Sir Rels spawn after 13.33 seconds400f, delay 10~13.33 seconds300f~400f.
  • 2 Haniwanwans spawn after 16.67 seconds500f, delay 20~23.33 seconds600f~700f.
  • 3 Mooths spawn after 60 seconds1,800f, delay 66.67 seconds2,000f.
  • 6 Haniwanwans spawn after 73.33 seconds2,200f, delay 16.67~23.33 seconds500f~700f.
  • 1 Calamary spawns after 86.67 seconds2,600f.
  • 1 Relic Bun-Bun spawns after 88 seconds2,640f.
  • 1 Alpacky spawns after 89.33 seconds2,680f.
  • 10 Sir Rels spawn after 95.33 seconds2,860f, delay 20~23.33 seconds600f~700f.
  • When the base reaches 75% HP:
    • 5 Sir Rels spawn, delay 0.67~1 seconds20f~30f.


Strategy 1 (1 Crown/Cheese)[]

Lineup: Manic Eraser Cat 50, Eraser Cat 20+55, Octopus Cat, Awakened Bahamut Cat 40, Idi:N2 40

Items: Rich Cat

With enough Worker Cat Start Level UP Combos or a Rich Cat item, it's possible to rush this stage down with dual Erasers, Octopus Cat, Awakened Bahamut Cat and Idi:N2.

Wait until your wallet has roughly 5000¢, then send out Idi:N2 to kill Sir Rel, immediately followed by Octopus Cat. Start spawning dual Erasers frequently for the rest of the battle, but save enough to also send out Awakened Bahamut Cat. Once both of your heavy hitters are out, Haniwanwan will fall, and the enemy base shortly thereafter. Any other rushers brought for Combos can also help in the base's destruction.

If Mooth ends up killing Idi:N2 and Awakened Bahamut before the enemy base is destroyed, the Breakerblast Cannon can be used to buy time.

Strategy 2 (3 Crown/Cheese)[]

Lineup: Brave Cutter, Manic Eraser Cat 50, Eraser Cat 20+50+, Octopus Cat 50, Cat Mask Doron, Idi:N2 40+, Awakened Bahamut Cat 50

Cannon: Breakerblast

Items: Rich Cat


  • This is a slightly adjusted version of Strategy 1 to better fit the 3 crown strength magnifications.
  • This strategy has proven to be rather inconsistent. Sadly, it's easier than having to do this stage legitimately.
  • Rich Cat is a MUST (UNTESTED)
  • The 2 "?" should be reserved for a Starting Money UP (M) combo. If you happen to have Divine Lilin π or Demon Knight Kyklops, then you can use them and Richest Cat.
  • Idi:N2 should be higher level than 41, but level 40 does work.
  • Thunderbolt cannon can be used instead of Breakerblast.
  • None of the cats in the lineup have talents.
  • Awakened Doron is actually worse than Elder Mask Doron (UNTESTED).

Wait until your wallet has ~5000¢, then send out Idi:N2 to kill Sir Rel, immediately followed by Octopus Cat. Immediately spawn 6-8 Manic Eraser Cats and 5 Eraser Cats. When the first Haniwanwan dies, you should have enough money to spawn Awakened Bahamut Cat. If you do not, stop spawning meatshields and spawn him as soon as possible.

Once both of your heavy hitters are out, once the second Haniwanwan dies, send out Cat Mask Doron. and possibly Neo Cutter Cat if you have the money. The Sir Rels should spawn and immediately get frozen and die, protecting your rushers.

If Mooth spawns before the base is destroyed, use your cannon to your best ability to buy a few extra seconds.

Strategy 3 (4 Crown/Cheese)[]

Lineup: Brave Cutter, Riceball Cat 50, Courier Cat 50, Cat Egg Pod 50, Awakened Doron 50, Idi:N2 50, Awakened Bahamut Cat 50

Items: Rich Cat


  • This is possible with Green Shell Cat (UNTESTED)
  • Riceball Cat has the HP up MAX talent.
  • The two "?" slots should be used for a Money UP (S) combo. If you happen to have RIchest Cat and a 1 slot combo, then feel free to use them.
  • If you happen to have the combo "Land-Air Assault, feel free to use it.
  • This strategy can be a little finicky, and may require force restart.

Wait until 5000¢, then send out Idi:N2. Then, wait until 1800¢ to send out Riceball Cat.

When Haniwanwan is killed, send out Cat Egg Pod (or Green Shell Cat), then Awakened Bahamut Cat. Afterwards, spam Riceball Cat, Courier Cat, and send out Awakened Doron for extra chip and to hopefully knockback the second Haniwanwan.


