Berserk (Insane) is the third Crazed Cat Stage. It appears on the 9th and the 28th of every month. In The Battle Cats Unite!, it appears every Tuesday.
- Infinite Sir Seals spawn after 40 seconds1,200f, delay 13.33~20 seconds400f~600f.
- Infinite Shy Boys spawn after 83.33 seconds2,500f, delay 26.67 seconds800f.
- Infinite Shy Boys spawn after 73.33 seconds2,200f, delay 26.67 seconds800f.
- Infinite B.B.Bunnies spawn after 60 seconds1,800f, delay 6.67~8 seconds200f~240f.
- Infinite B.B.Bunnies spawn after 61.33 seconds1,840f, delay 6.67~8 seconds200f~240f.
- 1 Crazed Axe Cat spawns as the boss.
It is highly recommended to bring Rich Cat, Sniper the Cat and Cat CPU to the battle.
It is also recommended that you should have more than two meatshields (such as Crazed Cat, Eraser Cat, Crazed Wall Cat). If you have anything that can slow, freeze, or deal good damage to Red or Floating, bring them along. Some examples of useful cats include Bodhisattva Cat and any other Ubers that seem useful. If you have Island Cat and Crazed Fish Cat, they would be useful in this stage, so add them into the party too. The main threat is the Shy Boy rush in the beginning of the game, as these Shy Boys are the ones responsible for bringing down your defenses. After the Crazed Axe spawns, that is the real challenge. Most guides recommend collecting and using other crazed cats before this one. Due to the Axe's fast attack rate, damage, and average range, get as many ranged units as you can and don't use nukers since they are very vulnerable.
Strategy 1[]
Lineup: Mohawk Cat, Crazed Macho Cat, Eraser Cat, Crazed Wall Cat, King Dragon Cat, Bahamut Cat, Ururun Wolf, Paris Cat
Notes: Remaining slots should be filled with any Red/floating crowd controllers, preferably with Area Attack.
Replace King Dragon and Bahamut with ubers if you have any that outrange Crazed Axe and deliver relevant damage (if you only use stuff like Kubilan Pasalan, you will have no way of damaging the boss).
Just stall the boss for money at the beginning. When the Shy Boys come out, start spamming King Dragons and spawn Bahamut along with your meatshields, and whenever you feel the Shy Boys are too close from your cats, spam your Floating/Red crowd control cat(s) and Paris Cats to push them back. The problem is, the boss has a longer range than Paris and iCat, so only use them when the Shy Boys are too close. Oh, and about the other enemies, they're weak enough so that they act as free money. If you have either Cameraman or Sanzo, they help a lot in plowing down the shy boys, especially if you don't have iCat.
Strategy 2[]
Lineup: Crazed Cat, Eraser Cat, Crazed Wall Cat, Sanzo Cat, Dread Pirate Catley, Cameraman Cat, Crazed Bahamut Cat, Ururun Cat
Notes: Fill in the last 2 slots with whatever you like, especially Ubers which do extra damage to reds, or provide extra crowd control such as Peach Angels/Devils.
Start off the battle by killing the initial Sir Seal to earn some money (Thief Cat helps by doubling this money), and begin meatshielding when Crazed Axe cat arrives. He shouldn't push too fast due to his low damage, thus allowing you to build up even more cash. Not long after, the first Shy Boy will spawn, and here it is recommended to start spawning Sanzo Cat and Cameraman Cats, they should quickly knock-back the Shy Boy, and prevent it from pushing to and destroying your base. As soon as you can deploy both C.Bahamut and Ururun cat, and start spamming everything except Catley, which you should only spawn if the Shy-Boys become a big problem and push. Once you stack more and more Cameramen and heavy hitters, the Shy-Boys should start dying faster and thus you will start pushing C.Axe away towards the enemy base. At this point you've basically won.
Video | Player | Notes |
Regit | No Gacha |