Battle Cats Wiki

Birdwatching is the third stage in Intrepid Cats.


The battle opens with 4 Duches. For every Duche killed, 1 R. Ost spawns. When an R. Ost is killed, another will spawn. This will only happen twice. After that, killing anything will cause 2 more Duches to spawn, so there are a total of 6 Duches and 6 R. Osts in this stage.


It is recommended to use at least 4 meatshields. You can also use Dragon Cat, Crazed Dragon Cat, Macho Legs Cat, and 3-4 main attackers. Special Cats such as Ururun Cat, Bahamut Cat, Holy Valkyrie Cat, Dark Emperor Catdam, Red Riding Mina, and/or Uber Rare Cats if you have them.

Stall the Duches and save money for the attackers. Also, you might need to spam your cats quickly, so you can use Cat CPU too. It might take a few tries to do it right.

It was previously written that this stage can be infinitely stalled if enemies are synced, however this is not true due to the fact both Duche and R. Ost are both area of effect.

The Jumpon1 (o3o) method (2/3 star approved):

Your spicy first row: Macho cat, M. Macho cat, Eraser cat (has to tank 2 r.ost hits) M. Eraser cat(Lv 40 NEEDED), Thaumaturge cat (da spicy boi) Second line: Dual Legs and Dragons (Lv 30 min for crazed/manic forms, +40 for Normal), Strong hitter (Tecoluga is a cheat code for this stage) or Uruan/Bahamut (normal and evolved only) Items: CPU(makes everything easier to spam), Rich cat(Use on 3 star, not needed on 2 star but helps), Sniper (Will be explained), Speed up (ONLY if you dont wanna spend time)

The plan: Unfortunately, this stage is hard to stall at the start in 3 star (2 star is easier but annoying) and requires you to get ready immediatly. Start by spawning your heavy hitter/special hitter and 2 dragons, don't spawn legs yet. Once you kill the duches, spawn legs and dragons and turn on cpu AFTER the first R.ost arrives at your meatsheilds. This is where sniper kicks in, it will allow your ranged stacks to attack a target at a time, knocking back 1/4 R.osts and stopping the push, also allows your heavy attack to get in hits. While this strat requires strong cats, and a few boosted ubers in 3 stars, makes the stage easier.

