Black Hole is the 47th stage in Cats of the Cosmos.
- Rarity: Only Special, Rare, Uber Rare and Legend Rare
- Max # of Deployable Cats: 10
Chapter 1[]
- 5 Doge Darks spawn after 10 seconds300f, delay 6.67~10 seconds200f~300f.
- 1 Star Peng spawns after 33.33 seconds1,000f.
- 1 Star Peng spawns after 40 seconds1,200f.
- 1 Star Peng spawns after 66.67 seconds2,000f.
- Infinite Doge Darks spawn after 100 seconds3,000f, delay 33.33~40 seconds1,000f~1,200f.
- When the base reaches 99% HP:
- 1 Spacefish Jones spawns as the boss.
- 8 Doge Darks spawn, delay 10~16.67 seconds300f~500f.
- 5 Metal Doges spawn, delay 10~16.67 seconds300f~500f.
- 2 Corporal Weylands spawn, delay 100 seconds3,000f.
Chapter 2[]
- 5 Doge Darks spawn after 10 seconds300f, delay 6.67~10 seconds200f~300f.
- 1 Star Peng spawns after 33.33 seconds1,000f.
- 1 Star Peng spawns after 40 seconds1,200f.
- 1 Star Peng spawns after 66.67 seconds2,000f.
- Infinite Doge Darks spawn after 100 seconds3,000f, delay 33.33~40 seconds1,000f~1,200f.
- When the base reaches 99% HP:
- 1 Spacefish Jones spawns as the boss.
- 8 Doge Darks spawn, delay 10~16.67 seconds300f~500f.
- 2 Corporal Weylands spawn, delay 100 seconds3,000f.
- 1 Ribbo spawns.
Chapter 3[]
- 5 Shibalien Elites (2,500%) spawn after 10 seconds300f, delay 6.67~10 seconds200f~300f.
- 1 Star Peng spawns after 33.33 seconds1,000f.
- 1 Star Peng spawns after 40 seconds1,200f.
- 1 Star Peng spawns after 66.67 seconds2,000f.
- 4 Shibalien Elites (2,500%) spawn after 100 seconds3,000f, delay 33.33~40 seconds1,000f~1,200f.
- When the base reaches 99% HP:
- 1 Shibalien Elite (10%) spawns as the boss.
- 4 Mesocosmocyclones spawn after 3.33 seconds100f, delay 16.67 seconds500f.
- 2 Axoloties spawn after 5.33 seconds160f, delay 13.33 seconds400f.
This stage is not to be underestimated. Having all possible Anti-Starred Alien Treasures is a good idea before facing this. Critters greatly recommended.
Chapters 1 & 2[]
The key is to use fast-attacking units to deal with the Metal Doges while facing the other enemies. Some very good non-Uber choices include: Awakened Bahamut to take care of the Star Pengs after getting some distance from the boss, Iron Claw X for damage, Goemon Cat for damage to Metal Doges (good attack speed) and extra money, and Ramen Cat for its high health and quick attacks.
It is important that you don't push forward too much while dealing with the Star Pengs, otherwise the boss will cause trouble. For this reason, strong units without area attack (like Iron Claw X) are great here. Limiting your own attack power to prevent trouble with Spacefish Jones before the Star Pengs are dead may also help, but it all depends on your strategy and units. Despite everything, the stage is still very hard, so using your best Uber Rares, anti-Alien or not, may help your strategy to work. Don't worry about Corporal Weyland. He should not cause much trouble, especially if you use resistant units.
If you have issues with the Doge Darks, Dark Lazer and Assassin BearCat can really help.
Strategy 1 (Chapter 2)[]
Lineup: Tiny Ancient Hunt, Cameraman Cat (with Survive talent), Li'l Wall Cat (for Little Warriors combo), Thaumaturge Cat, Catellite, Bomber Cat, Li'l Macho Legs Cat, Dark Lazer, Ururun Cat. Higher levels are of course preferred.
Since most meatshields will be one-shotted by any enemy on this level, focus on Jiangshi and Cameraman; with their survive ability they essentially function as two meatshields for the price of one, which is especially helpful with the low deploy limit. Li'l Wall and Li'l Dragon are just for the combos. Bomber Cat makes the Dark Doges at the beginning more manageable, but don't have more than one or two on the stage. One can catch up quickly enough after another dies that you don't want to waste your limit on them. Thaumaturge reduces the enemy pushing power but fewer are necessary when there are fewer enemies.
Focus on Li'l Macho Legs when you're mostly looking at Alien enemies, and add more Dark Lazers when the Doges come out again. The low deploy limit means you will be able to save up money and upgrade your Worker Cat when you have the wave managed, so focus on making sure Ururun has decent meatshield coverage before you deploy her.
Chapter 3[]
For Chapter 3, the enemies have been completely switched so the strategy will be very different. It is almost essential to have all Anti-Starred Alien Treasures before attempting this.
The three key units for this stage are Catellite, Corrupted Psychocat and Chill Cat. If your Chill Cat and Catellite are boosted enough you will not need any other units. Chill Cat with the cost down talent maxed is recommended. Awakened Bahamut and, if possible, Li'l Eraser Cat are also highly recommended. Other than that, Slow UP combos, Attack UP combos, Massive Damage UP combos and Li'l Macho Legs can also help.
Strategy 1[]
Lineup: Breakfast in Undies + Lolly Fanciers, Midsummer Sun (Chill Cat 40), Li'l Eraser Cat 45, Catellite 40, Corrupted Psychocat 30, Li'l Macho Legs 30, Awakened Bahamut 30.
Upgrade your Worker Cat to Lv.3 before the first Shibalien Elite comes, then spam Catellite, Corrupted Psycho and Chill; add Li'l Eraser when the Star Pengs arrive. Focus on having a Chill and Psychocat stack, while having meatshields to protect your cats. If the enemies get too close to your base, spawn Li'l Macho Legs. Stop spamming Li'l Eraser Cats when one Star Peng is dead, but keep spamming the other three. Spawn nothing once the base is hit. Your stack should kill the first Mesocosmocyclone and trigger the two Axoloty's attack. Lure the second Mesocosmocyclone to the base and spam the three previous units again. Spawn Awakened Bahamut and Li'l Macho Legs when the Mesocosmocyclones get uncomfortably close to the base. When all the Mesocosmoyclones are killed, let your stack knock both Axoloties behind the base, then spawn cats like Awakened Bahamut, Chill and Catellite to destroy the base.
Zombie Outbreak[]
Chapter 1[]
Max # of Deployable Cats: 10
Chapter 2[]
Max # of Deployable Cats: 15
Chapter 1[]
- 5 Doge Darks spawn after 10 seconds300f, delay 6.67~10 seconds200f~300f.
- 1 Star Peng spawns after 33.33 seconds1,000f.
- 1 Star Peng spawns after 40 seconds1,200f.
- 1 Star Peng spawns after 66.67 seconds2,000f.
- 3 Thrillerz spawn after 20 seconds600f, delay 20 seconds600f.
- Infinite Doge Darks spawn after 100 seconds3,000f, delay 33.33~40 seconds1,000f~1,200f.
- When the base reaches 99% HP:
- 1 Spacefish Jones spawns as the boss.
- 5 Doge Darks spawn, delay 10~16.67 seconds300f~500f.
- 5 Metal Doges spawn, delay 10~16.67 seconds300f~500f.
- 3 Zuches spawn, delay 20 seconds600f.
- 1 Li'l Zyclone spawns.
- 2 Corporal Weylands spawn, delay 100 seconds3,000f.
Chapter 2[]
- 5 Doge Darks spawn after 10 seconds300f, delay 10~16.67 seconds300f~500f.
- 3 Znaches spawn after 13.33 seconds400f, delay 6.67~10 seconds200f~300f.
- 5 Wild Doges spawn after 16.67 seconds500f, delay 23.33~30 seconds700f~900f.
- 1 Zollow spawns after 33.33 seconds1,000f.
- 1 Star Peng spawns after 33.33 seconds1,000f.
- 1 Star Peng spawns after 66.67 seconds2,000f.
- Infinite Doge Darks spawn after 100 seconds3,000f, delay 33.33~40 seconds1,000f~1,200f.
- When the base reaches 99% HP:
- 1 Spacefish Jones spawns as the boss.
- 7 Znaches spawn after 13.33 seconds400f, delay 13.33~16.67 seconds400f~500f.
- 5 Zollows spawn after 13.33 seconds400f, delay 26.67~33.33 seconds800f~1,000f.
- 6 Wild Doges spawn after 10 seconds300f, delay 26.67~33.33 seconds800f~1,000f.
- 5 Star Pengs spawn, delay 26.67~33.33 seconds800f~1,000f.
- 4 Doge Darks spawn, delay 10~16.67 seconds300f~500f.
- 2 Corporal Weylands spawn, delay 100 seconds3,000f.
- 1 Ribbo spawns.
Chapter 1[]
Chapter 2
This level has more aliens than zombies, so use any anti-aliens you have, like Catellite, Talented Can Can, Seafarer, etc. You can use Cadaver Bearcat or Cat Chief to deal with the zombie peons. Due to the unit restriction, don't send out any expensive units until the boss wave and fight the battle near your base.
- Black Hole and Dogsville Annex are the only Restriction Stages to have two different restrictions.
- Incidentally, both stages limit the possible Cat rarities and have a Cat limit of 10.