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Black Premonition is the third stage in Dead End Night. Le'noir is introduced here.



While no anti-Black Cats are necessary, simply using Bombercat is enough to irreversibly destroy this stage. Rodeo Cat works in place of Bombercat with enough stacking. This stage has almost all the same enemies as XP Megablitz so if you're experienced with that stage this shouldn't be too much trouble.

Otherwise, bring a Rich Cat, three meatshields and a lot of generalist attackers like King Dragon Cat, Paris Cat, Cameraman Cat, Crazed UFO Cat, Ururun Cat, etc.

Recommended Ubers[]

Strategy 1[]

When the Gory Blacks appear, send out a Crazed Wall or a few Jiangshis and a Pizza, who should OHKO the Gories. Once the Gories die, start upgrading your Worker Cat at a steady pace. When the Doge Darks appear, let Pizza take care of them, then start spawning Cyborg Cats. You should have a maxed wallet by the time Le'noir comes out (if not, at least Bun Bun Black). By this time, you should have a decent stack of Pizzas, Cyborgs and Bahamut. Then spam everything until you win, as money should not be an issue. Alternatively, use crowd-control units like Bombercat & Rodeo and there will be little problem if any.

Strategy 2 (Pizza-less)[]

Lineup: Mohawk Cat 20+26, Crazed Wall Cat 20, Eraser Cat 20+24, Crazed Sexy Legs Cat 20, Cyborg Cat 35, King Dragon Cat 20+30, Crazed Dragon Cat 20, Crazed Bahamut Cat 30, Ururun Cat 29

Items: Rich Cat, Cat CPU

Notes: Slot 2 can be any 75¢ meatshield of your choice

When the Gory Blacks appear, send out meatshields to stall until the Shadow Boxer Ks arrive. When the Shadow Boxer Ks start attacking your meatshields, send out all your ranged attackers. After that, try to keep your ranged-attacker stack alive as long as possible, and spam everything.


Video Player Notes

The Battle Cats - Black Premonition-0

Nurse Wuffa


