Battle Cats Wiki

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Battle Cats Wiki

Brazil is the 46th stage in Into the Future.


Chapter 1[]

~ Nyanko, this Wiki will not longer feature updated content, please go to the Miraheze Wiki instead.
  • 1 Metal Hippoe spawns after 3.33 seconds100f.
  • 10 Snaches spawn after 10 seconds300f, delay 5~10 seconds150f~300f.
  • 10 Those Guys spawn after 12 seconds360f, delay 5~10 seconds150f~300f.
  • Infinite Pigges spawn after 20 seconds600f, delay 26.67~53.33 seconds800f~1,600f.
  • Infinite B.B.Bunnies spawn after 23.33 seconds700f, delay 33.33 seconds1,000f.
  • Infinite B.B.Bunnies spawn after 25.33 seconds760f, delay 33.33 seconds1,000f.
  • 3 Metal Hippoes spawn after 36.67 seconds1,100f, delay 33.33~50 seconds1,000f~1,500f.
  • 4 LeMurrs spawn after 43.33 seconds1,300f, delay 20~30 seconds600f~900f.
  • 10 Kroxos spawn after 53.33 seconds1,600f, delay 14.67~22 seconds440f~660f.
  • 10 Shibaliens spawn after 66.67 seconds2,000f, delay 16.67~33.33 seconds500f~1,000f.
  • When the base reaches 99% HP:

Chapter 2[]

~ Nyanko, this Wiki will not longer feature updated content, please go to the Miraheze Wiki instead.
  • 10 Snaches spawn after 6.67 seconds200f, delay 5~10 seconds150f~300f.
  • 10 Those Guys spawn after 8.67 seconds260f, delay 5~10 seconds150f~300f.
  • Infinite Ginger Snaches spawn after 20 seconds600f, delay 33.33 seconds1,000f.
  • Infinite Ginger Snaches spawn after 22 seconds660f, delay 33.33 seconds1,000f.
  • 1 Cyberhorn spawns after 26.67 seconds800f.
  • 3 LeMurrs spawn after 46.67 seconds1,400f, delay 26.67~40 seconds800f~1,200f.
  • 10 Shibaliens spawn after 50 seconds1,500f, delay 16.67~33.33 seconds500f~1,000f.
  • 1 Cyberhorn spawns after 66.67 seconds2,000f.
  • Infinite Pigges spawn after 80 seconds2,400f, delay 26.67~53.33 seconds800f~1,600f.

Chapter 3[]

~ Nyanko, this Wiki will not longer feature updated content, please go to the Miraheze Wiki instead.
  • 10 Snaches spawn after 6.67 seconds200f, delay 5~10 seconds150f~300f.
  • 10 Those Guys spawn after 8.67 seconds260f, delay 5~10 seconds150f~300f.
  • 1 One Horn spawns after 10 seconds300f.
  • Infinite Ginger Snaches spawn after 20 seconds600f, delay 50 seconds1,500f.
  • Infinite Ginger Snaches spawn after 22 seconds660f, delay 50 seconds1,500f.
  • 3 LeMurrs spawn after 30 seconds900f, delay 6.67~10 seconds200f~300f.
  • 10 Shibaliens spawn after 50 seconds1,500f, delay 16.67~33.33 seconds500f~1,000f.
  • 1 Elder Sloth spawns after 60 seconds1,800f.
  • Infinite Pigges spawn after 80 seconds2,400f, delay 20~40 seconds600f~1,200f.


Chapters 1 & 2[]

Both stages are fairly similar, with the only big difference being Cyberhorn. It's possible to speedrun Chapter 1 if you have Crazed Cow, as you can spam that and Valkyrie Cat to easily destroy the base before the LeMurrs cause too much damage. For Chapter 2, use your regular team and you should be fine, However, take extra caution of the LeMurrs and Cyberhorn. Surfer Cat, Volta, Onmyoji Cat or anything else with Alien Knockback, Freeze or Weaken get an honorable mention and will be a big help to you.

Chapter 3[]

Chapter 3 is basically Elder Sloth + peons and LeMurrs. Keep on meatshielding and use longer ranged attackers to chip down the sloth. Rich Cat and all alien treasures up to this point are going to be recommended for this stage, as Elder Sloth does not wait for you to hit the base before spawning and moves about as fast as LeMurr does. An alternate way to do this stage, is to just spam heavy hitters or fast attacking units (eg. Courier Cat) before Elder Sloth spawns. After he spawns continue to send your heavy hitters to destroy the enemy base.

Strategy 1[]

In the beginning, let One Horn get closer. When LeMurr spawn, start spawning all the meatshields. When you can, spawn your units to kill One Horn. You can also spawn a few Chill Cats to damage LeMurr, but not too many. Stop when the Elder Sloth comes into range, because he can OHKO him. Try to upgrade your wallet a bit before you kill One Horn, because he drops a good amount of money. Don't forget Holy Valkyrie, who can freeze everything in place, and your cat cannon to throw out of range Elder Sloth, hoping to miss your damage deal.

Zombie Outbreak[]


Chapter 1[]

~ Nyanko, this Wiki will not longer feature updated content, please go to the Miraheze Wiki instead.
  • 1 Metal Hippoe spawns after 3.33 seconds100f.
  • 10 Those Guys spawn after 12 seconds360f, delay 5~10 seconds150f~300f.
  • Infinite B.B.Bunnies spawn after 23.33 seconds700f, delay 10 seconds300f.
  • 1 Zang Roo spawns after 30 seconds900f.
  • 5 Zrocos spawn after 53.33 seconds1,600f, delay 21.33~28.67 seconds640f~860f.
  • 10 Zoges spawn after 66.67 seconds2,000f, delay 16.67~33.33 seconds500f~1,000f.
  • When the base reaches 99% HP:

Chapter 2[]

~ Nyanko, this Wiki will not longer feature updated content, please go to the Miraheze Wiki instead.
  • 1 Metal Hippoe spawns after 3.33 seconds100f.
  • 10 Those Guys spawn after 12 seconds360f, delay 5~10 seconds150f~300f.
  • Infinite Ginger Snaches spawn after 20 seconds600f, delay 33.33 seconds1,000f.
  • Infinite Ginger Snaches spawn after 22 seconds660f, delay 33.33 seconds1,000f.
  • 1 Zang Roo spawns after 30 seconds900f.
  • 5 Zrocos spawn after 53.33 seconds1,600f, delay 21.33~28.67 seconds640f~860f.
  • 10 Zoges spawn after 66.67 seconds2,000f, delay 16.67~33.33 seconds500f~1,000f.
  • 1 Cyberhorn spawns after 66.67 seconds2,000f.
  • When the base reaches 99% HP:

Chapter 3[]

~ Nyanko, this Wiki will not longer feature updated content, please go to the Miraheze Wiki instead.
  • 5 Znaches spawn after 6.67 seconds200f, delay 10~20 seconds300f~600f.
  • 5 Thrillerz spawn after 8.67 seconds260f, delay 10~20 seconds300f~600f.
  • 1 One Horn spawns after 10 seconds300f.
  • Infinite Ginger Snaches spawn after 20 seconds600f, delay 50 seconds1,500f.
  • Infinite Ginger Snaches spawn after 22 seconds660f, delay 50 seconds1,500f.
  • 3 LeMurrs spawn after 30 seconds900f, delay 6.67~10 seconds200f~300f.
  • 10 Shibaliens spawn after 50 seconds1,500f, delay 16.67~33.33 seconds500f~1,000f.
  • 1 Elder Sloth spawns after 60 seconds1,800f.
  • 1 Li'l Zyclone spawns after 60 seconds1,800f.
  • 3 Zigges spawn after 66.67 seconds2,000f, delay 20~40 seconds600f~1,200f.


Chapter 1[]

This stage will feel like a panic stage at first. The Metal Hippoe comes out immediately and just as youre saving up the Zang Roo is coming your way too. Get maybe 1 level into Worker Cat or use a Rich Cat if you're having trouble. Zang Roo is the real threat here. Prepare for the burrow with Zombie Killers that are ready to summon, you don't want the Roo in your back line for long as she will tear you to shreds with her area attack. You will probably want to bring critical attackers or fast attackers like Lumberjack Cat, who is especially good in zombie/metal stages as he can do serious damage to both enemy types with his .3 second attack rate.

Chapter 2[]

Metal Hippoe spawns first, but Zang Roo is the first threat you'll face. Wear her down just like normal and prepare for a crit battle vs Metal Hippoe. Lumberjack Cat excels here once again. As soon as the metal hippoe dies, you've got a Cyberhorn headed your way. Its health is quite high but deal with it just like any normal fight with the blue rhino. This stage doesn't really throw any curveballs at you, just keep your damage dealers safe with plenty of cheap meatshields and prepare for the Zang Roo burrow.

Chapter 3[]


