Battle Cats Wiki

Version 13.7 has arrived on The Battle Cats JP now!


Battle Cats Wiki
For the battle mechanic also known as the Cat Base, see Cat Base.
For the flavor texts of the Cat in the menu, see Splash Texts.

When the player chooses the game mode they want to play (Empire of Cats, Into the Future, Cats of the Cosmos, Legend Stages or Catclaw Dojo), they will transition to the Cat Base Menu. Here the player can go to battles, organize Cat Units and view Treasure and enemies.


Cat base menu

Cat Base Menu from version 11.10.0

On the Left Screen[]

  • Arrows: Opens a menu to move between different areas of the game.
  • User Rank Bar: Opens a page with user status, User Rank rewards and information about specific game features.
  • Calendar with Cat Face: Opens the event calendar with a schedule for events in the near future and event notification settings.
  • Top Yellow Button = Start!!: Transitions the player to the map in Main Chapters or all the available levels in Legend Stages or Catclaw Dojo.
  • Middle Yellow Button = Upgrade: Transitions the player to the Upgrade Menu, where they can upgrade Cats and Abilities.
  • Bottom Yellow Button = Equip: Transitions the player to the Equip Menu, where they can choose which Cats to use in battles.
  • Open Book with Cat Mark = Menu: (Not available in Catclaw Dojo) Opens a menu containing more buttons.
  • Pickaxe and Helmet = GAMATOTO: (Not available in Catclaw Dojo) Transitions the player to the Gamatoto screen where Gamatoto expeditions can be started. Scrolling to the right brings the player to Ototo Corps where the Cat Base can be upgraded.
  • Checklist = Missions: (Not available in Catclaw Dojo) Transitions the player to a menu showing Catnip Challenges.
  • Left Arrow = Back: Returns the player to the title screen.

In the Menu[]

  • Red Book with Cat Face = Cat Guide: Transitions the player to the Cat Guide, where they can view the Cat Units they have and collect 5 Cat Food for each newly obtained Cat.
  • Blue Book with Dark Face = Enemy Guide: Transitions the player to the Enemy Guide, where the player can view the Enemy Units they've encountered.
  • Orange Circle with Star = Treasure: (Main Chapters only) Transitions the player to the Treasure Menu, where the player can see which of the chapter's Treasures have been collected.
  • Medal with Cat Face = Meow Medals: Transitions the player to a screen showing all collected Meow Medals.
  • Light Green Card = Battle Cats Officers' Club: Shows the player's Battle Cats Officers' Club card that lists player info. The card becomes gold if a Gold Pass is purchased.
  • Question Mark = Help: Opens a help page with information about the game. The player needs an Internet connection to access this feature.

On the Right Screen[]

In the Center Screen[]

  • Store: Transitions the player to Shop Items, where the player can buy Battle Items, Catamins and XP packs with Cat Food.
  • Refrigerator = Storage: The player can see unused Ability Capsules and duplicate Cats received from the Cat Capsules. Later in the game, the player can also view Catfruit and Talent Orbs here.
  • Green Cat's Face = Cat capsule: Transitions the player to Normal Cat Capsule screen.
  • Yellow Cat's Face = Rare Cat capsule: Transition the player to Rare Cat Capsule screen.

Background Door[]

The player can repeatedly slide the right door to unlock Flower Cat.


The Battle Cats Wiki has a gallery for Cat Base Menu.
Cat base menu icon
Visit this page to see it.
Cat base menu icon


  • The cats behind the door are replaced by other characters during certain events.
  • The Aku Realms is the only area without a Cat Base Menu.