Battle Cats Wiki
Battle Cats Wiki

This category lists all Enemy Bases that are considered their own enemies. Most enemy bases are Typeless and have a way to attack the player's cats, though there are exceptions to both. The first animated base that was added to the game was the Scarecrow, the enemy base in Wanderer's Trial (Stage 1).


  • Because animated bases are in reality enemies simulating the presence of a base:
    • They have stats that can scale on higher Crown difficulties. This primarily affects base health, but also applies to their attack power, when applicable.
    • All bases excluding the Origin Base are vulnerable to Surge Attacks, presumably due to a development oversight.
    • They count towards the enemy limit.
    • They appear in the enemy formation when viewing the enemies in their respective stages.
  • The Finale Base is currently the only animated base to be Metal rather than Typeless.

All items (27)
