Battle Cats Wiki

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Battle Cats Wiki

A list of Cat Units that can produce Wave Attacks.

Character's Name Wave ability
Cats in the Cradle Creates a Lv.2 Wave Attack (100%)
Nyalladin Creates a Lv.1 Wave Attack (100%)
Crazed Gross Cat
Crazed Sexy Legs Cat
Creates a Lv.3 Wave Attack (100%)
Manic Macho Legs Creates a Lv.4 Wave Attack (100%)
Crazed Titan Cat
Crazed M. Titan Cat
Creates a Lv.10 Wave Attack (10%)
Manic Jamiera Cat Creates a Lv.10 Wave Attack (15%)
Rooster Cat Creates a Lv.10 Wave Attack (15%)
Cat Base Mini
Cat Base Junior
Creates a Lv.3 Wave Attack (100%)
Kubilan Pasalan
E. Kubilan Pasalan
Creates a Lv.8 Wave Attack (100%)
Hermit Cat
Grandmaster Cat
Creates a Lv.3 Wave Attack (100%)
Masked Grandmaster Cat Creates a Lv.5 Wave Attack (100%)
Akio & Gunder CC Creates a Lv.2 Wave Attack (100%)
Shinji Cat
Toji & Kensuke Cats
Creates a Lv.2 Wave Attack (100%)
Souma Cat
Stylish Souma Cat
Creates a Lv.3 Wave Attack (100%)
Detective Vigler
Inspector Gabriel
Section Chief Gravicci
Creates a Lv.3 Wave Attack (100%)
Creates a Lv.8 Wave Attack on first hit (100%)
Li'l Valkyrie Dark
Dark Rider Valkyrie
Creates a Lv.3 Wave Attack (100%)
Myrcia, type ξ
Creates a Lv.2 Wave Attack on second hit (100%)
Divine Myrcia Creates a Lv.4 Wave Attack on second hit (100%)
First-Love Myrcia
First-Love Myrcia ξ
Creates a Lv.3 Wave Attack on second hit (100%)
Slime Cat
Creates a Lv.5 Wave Attack (100%)
Gravi Creates a Lv.2 Wave Attack (100%)
Gravolo Creates a Lv.3 Wave Attack (100%)
Gravolodon Creates a Lv.4 Wave Attack (100%)
Swordswoman Hina
Creates a Lv.5 Wave Attack (100%)
Nekondo SP Creates a Lv.2 Wave Attack (20%)
Shakurel Lion
Shakurel Lion CC
Creates a Lv.1 Wave Attack (20%)
Shakurel Panda
Shakurel Panda CC
Creates a Lv.1 Wave Attack (20%)
Shakurel Tiger
Shakurel Tiger CC
Creates a Lv.1 Wave Attack (20%)
Unnamed Eyewaltz CC Creates a Lv.2 Wave Attack (100%)
Pizza Cat (Talent) Creates a Lv.2 Wave Attack (30%)
God-Emperor Megidora (Talent) Creates a Lv.3 Wave Attack (15%)
CAT-8 Behemoth
CAT-10 Gigapult (Talent)
Creates a Lv.4 Wave Attack (20%)
Dark Lazer (Talent) Creates a Lv.6 Wave Attack (15%)
Li'l Island Cat (Talent) Creates a Lv.2 Wave Attack (20%)
Necro-Dancer Cat (Talent) Creates a Lv.2 Wave Attack (30%)
Kitaro Cat & Nezumi-Otoko Cat Creates a Lv.3 Wave Attack (100%)
Type-Swallow Tail Creates a Lv.3 Wave Attack (50%)
White Butler Vigler
Black Butler Vigler
Creates a Lv.3 Wave Attack (100%)

All items (36)
