Battle Cats Wiki
Gatya bnr66

Celebrate 2016 (正月めでたいガチャ, Shōgatsu Medetai Gacha, New Year's Celebration Gacha)


Players have a chance to get the following Uber Rare and Super Rare characters: 

▼Uber Rare
Normal: Kubiluga Evolved: Kubilan Pasalan
Could be a Cat? Or could be something much weirder.
Kubilan Pasalan
Super long-range wave attack will 100% knockback all enemies (Area Attack)
Normal: Marauder Cat Evolved: Berserker Cat
Marauder Cat
Quick attacks that sometimes land critical strikes!
Super-effective against Metal enemies!
Berserker Cat
Evolved to develop Area Attacks and greater Critical chance!
Super, super effective against Metal enemies!
Normal: Yukimura Sanada Evolved: Wargod Yukimura
Yukimura Sanada
Closes distance quickly and pummels enemies with fast attacks.
Huge damage against Black enemies (Area Attack)
Wargod Yukimura
Closes distance quickly and pummels enemies with fast attacks.
Huge damage against Black enemies (Area Attack)
Normal: Kamukura Evolved: God Dragon Kamukura
Super long-distance attacks
Might knockback and slow Red enemies (Area Attack)
God Dragon Kamukura
Super long-distance attacks
Might knockback and slow Red enemies (Area Attack)
Normal: Kuu Evolved: Kuu type γ
High damage with fast attack speed!
Strong against Red and Black (Area Attack)
Kuu type γ
High damage with fast attack speed!
Strong against Red and Black (Area Attack)
Normal: The Grateful Crane Evolved: Super Galaxy Cosmo
The Grateful Crane
A cheap to produce hero with quick attacks!
Knock back Angel and Floating baddies (Area Attack)
Super Galaxy Cosmo
Fantasy to Sci-Fi: TRANSFORM! Super Speed!
100% knockback vs Angel/Floating baddies (Area Attack)
Normal: The White Rabbit Evolved: The Black Cat
The White Rabbit
Fast Area attacks at long distance!
100% chance to slow Alien/Red enemies.
The Black Cat
Fast Area attacks at long distance!
Strong against Alien/Red enemies.
▼Super Rare ▼Rare
Gold Cat Cat Base Mini Neneko Metal Cat Sniper the Recruit Rich Cat III Freshman Cat Jobs
Regular Super Rare drops, Gold Cat, Cat Base Mini, Neneko, Metal Cat,
Sniper the Recruit, Rich Cat III, Freshman Cat Jobs
Regular Rare drops


