Collapse Checker is the second stage in Drunken Foundry.
- 1 Metal Doge (300%) spawns.
- 2 Metal Doges (300%) spawn after 13.33 seconds400f, delay 0.67 seconds20f.
- 3 Metal Doges (300%) spawn after 26.67 seconds800f, delay 0.67 seconds20f.
- 4 Metal Doges (300%) spawn after 40 seconds1,200f, delay 0.67 seconds20f.
- 5 Metal Doges (300%) spawn after 53.33 seconds1,600f, delay 0.67 seconds20f.
- When the base reaches 99% HP:
- 1 Metal Doge (10%) spawns as the boss.
- Infinite Metal Doges (300%) spawn, delay 13.33~16.67 seconds400f~500f.
- 3 Metal Doges (300%) spawn, delay 3~5 seconds90f~150f.
- 4 Metal Doges (300%) spawn, delay 12~15 seconds360f~450f.
- 1 Mr. Puffington spawns.
- 1 Mr. Puffington spawns.
Strategy 1[]
Lineup: Biohazard, Bony Bone, Horror Movies, Modern Cat 40, Eraser Cat, Slime Cat 40, Cameraman Cat, Catyphoon
Notes: You can replace Cameraman Cat with any helpful Uber Rare.
Good choices of Uber Rare Cats are Balalan Pasalan, Ganesha and The Chaos Moon, to name a few.
Battle: Start by using Modern Cat to stall while you upgrade the worker, then summon Catyphoon and head for the Enemy Base. From now on, spam everything in row two for an easy victory. Most damage on the Puffingtons will be done by Jellycat hitting the Metal Doges, while Catyphoon is obviously for the Metals (lower levels reduce the risk of hitting the Puffingtons too hard, so level 30 is actually better) and Cameraman is for everything; she can Crit if Talented, she can land a hit on the Puffingtons or act as temporary meatshield in certain cases. Eventually, the Puffingtons will die after pushing a small amount, granting you an easy win.
Strategy 2 (Cheese ft. Brainwashed sexy legs cat)[]
Lineup: 2-3 meatshields, Brainwashed sexy legs cat, Manic macho legs cat, Soba cat and another single attack critter (eg Jurassic Cat). Fill the rest of the slots with power up combos or other surge/wave attack units
Battle: At the start just spam meatshields and your surge/wave attackers with one or two soba cats (soba cats are there just to make sure the dodges don't overwhelm you). when you send out your second pair of legs spawn a couple more soba cats and start sending out Jurassic Cat and push to the base, when one of your surge units hits the base the surge will insta-knock the Puffingtons and you just continute to spam your units untill you destroy the base.
- Collapse Checker is the only stage to have been nerfed more than once.
- The first time was in version 10.5. In prior versions, there were 2 extra sets of infinite Metal Doges; one spawned at 80 seconds and had 12~16 seconds between each Metal Doge, the other appeared at 120 seconds and gave the Doges a 21.33~28-second delay.
- The second time was in version 11.2, which decreased the number of Metal Doges spawned on base hit as well as increasing the delay between each one of them. Originally, hitting the base summoned 6 Metal Doges 2~3.33 seconds apart and 7 Metal Doges spaced out by 8~10 seconds.