This enemy is a force to be reckoned with: she has huge amounts of health, great DPS and only a few knockbacks. Thankfully she is considered a Black enemy, which means she can be affected by the abilities of anti-Black Cats.
Pizza Cat is a good Cat to bring up against this Enemy. Don't try to use Bombercat to freeze her, as Bombercat is outranged. Several anti-BlackUbers also work well against her, as well as good generalist Ubers and Ururun Wolf.
Turn the animation on and off using the switch in the upper left. Clicking the viewer background enables scrolling and zooming with the mouse if on desktop. Note that browser zoom may cause issues with scrolling and zooming. A list of available backgrounds can be found here. For more info on usage, see here.
Dark Lazer's spritesheet
Dark Lazer's walking animation
Dark Lazer references Darth Vader, a character from Star Wars. Since she is on the Dark Side of The Force, she has a red lightsaber.
The blue lightsaber from the Cat Unit shows that she is on the Light Side of The Force.
However, in the movies it was the other way around. Darth Vader started off as Anakin Skywalker: a Jedi Knight on the Light Side of The Force who later turned to the Dark Side of The Force, becoming the Sith Lord Darth Vader.