Deathkory is an extremely resilient foe with very high damage, 100% chance to produce a level 6 wave attack and a tough shield. His health goes up to 3,670,000 if you don't use any Shield Piercers. He however attacks slower than his other variants.
Deathkory's Waves and Shield are equally threatening. His low range means you can continue to abuse ranged Wave Shields, but melee ones will not work at all due to his very high damage. Either way, any should be used to buy your Shield Piercing units more time to destroy his shield, after which he becomes ironically much easier to deal with, as he has more knockbacks than Berserkory.
An anarchic Kory fronting a deathcore metal band. Never afraid to throw down in the pit, banned from many venues for firing Wave attacks into unsuspecting audiences.
This eccentric koala has been getting attention as a member of an extreme heavy metal band. Destroyed an entire live house with his "waves". Now he is banned from the music industry.
This enemy has always appeared at 100% strength magnification.
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Deathkory's spritesheet
Deathkory's walking animation
He is likely a reference to Paul Stanley of the world-famous band KIϟϟ.
Deathkory is a play on deathcore, an extreme metal subgenre combining elements of death metal and metalcore.
His Japanese name makes the same pun, but relies on core and koa(la) being homophones in Japanese.
He was technically an event enemy for a short time, as his only appearance at first was in Empress' Report 5.