Deep Jungle Area 9 is the ninth stage in Hidden Forest of Gapra.
- Infinite B.B.Bunnies spawn after 6.67 seconds200f, delay 8.33~16.67 seconds250f~500f.
- 4 Wild Doges spawn after 13.33 seconds400f, delay 13.33~16.67 seconds400f~500f.
- When the base reaches 99% HP:
- 1 THE FOLIVOREAN spawns as the boss.
- 3 Wild Doges spawn, delay 20~26.67 seconds600f~800f.
- 5 Aku Doges spawn, delay 23.33~30 seconds700f~900f.
- 1 Casaurian Ahirujo spawns after 66.67 seconds2,000f.
The main threat here is THE FOLIVOREAN, you can take every unit down with Courier Cat. Other Behemoth Slayers, long range units and anti-Aku units should help.
An example lineup is Biohazard + Bony Bone, Tiny Ancient Hunt (or other attack up combos), Crazed Cat 20, Crazed Tank Cat 20, Courier Cat 30 and Exorcist Cat.