Battle Cats Wiki

Dirty Tricks is the fifth and final stage in Rumble in the Tendo Dojo.


  • 3 Jackie Pengs spawn, delay 13.33~20 seconds400f~600f.
  • 1 Gory spawns after 20 seconds600f.
  • 1 Gory spawns after 30 seconds900f.
  • 1 Gory spawns after 33.33 seconds1,000f.
  • When the base reaches 99% HP:
    • 1 Mousse spawns as the boss.
    • Infinite Doge Darks spawn, delay 30~40 seconds900f~1,200f.
    • 6 Doge Darks spawn, delay 10~13.33 seconds300f~400f.
    • 4 Otta-smack-us spawn, delay 16.67~20 seconds500f~600f.
    • 2 Dagshunds spawn, delay 26.67 seconds800f.


Use area attackers that can outrange the enemy units here. Some examples are Cameraman Cat and Paris Cat. You can then use close ranged tanky units in order to kill Mousse, like Jamiera Cat or Crazed Titan Cat. You can also use Awakened Bahamut Cat or other rushers like Manic Lion Cat or Sanada Yukimura to finish the stage quickly.

