Doremi has extreme attack power, 100% slow, very high health and a high knockback count as well as slow immunity. She has a very low standing range, but also a massive attack area and fast movement speed, so make sure to deploy everything before she strikes!
Hard-hitting units, such as Awakened Bahamut Cat and Greater Balrog Cat, can outrange Doremi and constantly interrupt her attacks, making them valuable in the fight against her.
A veteran baby with over 7 years of experience in infancy. Perfected the fake cry, with enough power to knock strangers unconcious. Rejected by 2 elite kindergartens because of this "talent".
A tapir with a 7-year career as a professional baby. Her convincing lies and tears change her opponents as she desires. Eliminates adults who do not like her with super ultra sleep breath. Her mother's request for her to enroll in kindergarten was rejected twice.
This enemy has always appeared at 100% strength magnification.
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Like Bakoo, she is based on the Baku, a Japanese mythical creature that devours dreams.
The Japanese term baku can also refer to a Malayan tapir, which Bakoo closely resembles. Doremi, being entirely white, instead looks like an albino tapir.