Battle Cats Wiki

Explosion in the Sky (Insane) is the first stage in the Advanced Cyclone Stage Day of Judgement. Beating the stage allows the player to challenge the Continuation Stage Acts of Cat-God.


  • 3 Owlbrows spawn after 6.67 seconds200f, delay 3.33~6.67 seconds100f~200f.
  • 2 Mooths spawn after 26.67 seconds800f, delay 5~10 seconds150f~300f.
  • 1 White Cyclone spawns as the boss after 50 seconds1,500f.
  • 1 White Cyclone spawns after 83.33 seconds2,500f.
  • 1 White Cyclone spawns after 133.33 seconds4,000f.


Strategy 1[]

Lineup: Mohawk Cat, Eraser Cat, Crazed Tank Cat, Sanzo Cat, Cameraman Cat, Paris Cat, Butterfly Cat, Awakened Bahamut Cat


  • Mohawk/Eraser/C.Tank are meatshields for other units
  • Sanzo will slow the cyclones
  • Cameraman will deal dmg to the cyclones
  • Paris/Butterfly will kill the Owlbrows + Mooths, & help w/ cyclones too
  • Bahamut can be replaced by an anti-Angel
  • Last 2 slots should be anti-Angels (i.e. Princess Juliet, Cat Projector)

Battle: At the start of the battle, wait for the Owlbrows to come close. When the first is near the Cat Base, start spamming your meatshields while also sending in Paris Cats. Once the first Owlbrow dies, send in more Paris Cats. Once you think you are able to, start sending in Sanzo Cats and Cameraman Cats. If there are still some by the time the Cyclone is nearing, use Butterfly Cat to quickly kill them. Now, Sanzo Cat should be able to slow down the Cyclones for a good while, and the Cameraman stacks (along with Butterfly Cat) will deal damage. At this point, Awakened Bahamut can now safely be summoned.


  • Explosion in the Sky is a possible reference to the instrumental post-rock band Explosions in the Sky.

