Battle Cats Wiki

Floating Continent is the 47th stage in Into the Future. Nimoy Bore debuts here.


Chapter 1[]

  • 3 Baa Baas spawn after 16.67 seconds500f, delay 4~8 seconds120f~240f.
  • 20 Those Guys spawn after 18.67 seconds560f, delay 5~10 seconds150f~300f.
  • 1 Heavenly Hippoe spawns after 26.67 seconds800f.
  • 1 Heavenly Hippoe spawns after 31.67 seconds950f.
  • 1 Heavenly Hippoe spawns after 36.67 seconds1,100f.
  • Infinite Gabriels spawn after 50 seconds1,500f, delay 26.67~53.33 seconds800f~1,600f.
  • 3 Baa Baas spawn after 66.67 seconds2,000f, delay 4~8 seconds120f~240f.
  • Infinite Heavenly Hippoes spawn after 133.33 seconds4,000f, delay 60~80 seconds1,800f~2,400f.
  • 3 Maawths spawn after 166.67 seconds5,000f, delay 166.67 seconds5,000f.
  • When the base reaches 99% HP:
    • Infinite Kroxos spawn, delay 16.67~33.33 seconds500f~1,000f.
  • When the base reaches 90% HP:
  • When the base reaches 80% HP:

Chapter 2[]

  • 3 Baa Baas spawn after 16.67 seconds500f, delay 4~8 seconds120f~240f.
  • 20 Those Guys spawn after 18.67 seconds560f, delay 5~10 seconds150f~300f.
  • 1 Heavenly Hippoe spawns after 26.67 seconds800f.
  • 1 Heavenly Hippoe spawns after 31.67 seconds950f.
  • 1 Heavenly Hippoe spawns after 36.67 seconds1,100f.
  • Infinite Gabriels spawn after 50 seconds1,500f, delay 26.67~53.33 seconds800f~1,600f.
  • 3 Baa Baas spawn after 66.67 seconds2,000f, delay 4~8 seconds120f~240f.
  • Infinite Heavenly Hippoes spawn after 133.33 seconds4,000f, delay 60~80 seconds1,800f~2,400f.
  • 3 Maawths spawn after 166.67 seconds5,000f, delay 166.67 seconds5,000f.
  • When the base reaches 99% HP:
    • Infinite Kroxos spawn, delay 16.67~33.33 seconds500f~1,000f.
  • When the base reaches 90% HP:
  • When the base reaches 80% HP:

Chapter 3[]

  • 1 Heavenly Hippoe spawns after 16.67 seconds500f.
  • 1 Heavenly Hippoe spawns after 26.67 seconds800f.
  • 1 Heavenly Hippoe spawns after 36.67 seconds1,100f.
  • Infinite Gabriels spawn after 33.33 seconds1,000f, delay 26.67~53.33 seconds800f~1,600f.
  • Infinite Gabriels spawn after 43.33 seconds1,300f, delay 26.67~53.33 seconds800f~1,600f.
  • 10 Baa Baas spawn after 50 seconds1,500f, delay 13.33~26.67 seconds400f~800f.
  • Infinite Those Guys spawn after 66.67 seconds2,000f, delay 6.67~10 seconds200f~300f.
  • Infinite Heavenly Hippoes spawn after 100 seconds3,000f, delay 60~80 seconds1,800f~2,400f.
  • 3 Maawths spawn after 166.67 seconds5,000f, delay 166.67 seconds5,000f.
  • When the base reaches 99% HP:
    • Infinite Kroxos spawn, delay 16.67~33.33 seconds500f~1,000f.
  • When the base reaches 90% HP:
  • When the base reaches 80% HP:


Chapters 1 & 2[]

Make to sure to activate both the Aqua Crystal and Plasma Crystal by gathering Treasures from the previous stages. Treat Nimoy Bore as you would a regular Bore, but do not expect to beat him easily without any crowd-controllers or very heavy meatshielding.

Psychocat and Castaway Cat are the standard non-Uber choices for keeping Nimoy Bore at bay. Deploy them as frequently as you can. With many Psychocats and/or Castaway Cats and a bit of luck, you can pretty much keep Nimoy Bore from moving at all. With support from powerful attackers such as Solar Cat, Paris Cat, Crazed Bahamut Cat and Dancing Flasher Cat, you can possibly kill the Nimoy Bore in under 30 seconds, just make sure Bahamut Cat doesn't miss and you will be fine.

You can stall for money using Ramen Cat alone to upgrade your Worker Cat to level 8 and get enough to spawn as many Ubers as you like. Make sure they do not damage the base! This can help you beat the stage if you do not have one of the aforementioned treasures.

Chapter 3[]

Strategy 1[]

Lineup: 4 cheap meatshields, Macho Leg Cat, Neo Psychocat/Castaway Cat, Chill Cat, Holy Valkyrie Cat, Crazed Bahamut Cat, Ururun Cat.

Items: Cat CPU (required), Rich Cat (optional).

The stage is extremely difficult and nasty this time, because 3 Nimoy Bores come instead of 1. Thankfully, they have a 50-second delay between spawning, so in theory you can rush the stage, being much harder in practice.

Build up money at the beginning, using Bahamut to bring down the Heavenly Hippoes. Use Eraser Cats and Crazed Walls to protect your Bahamut. Spam Neo Psychocats/Castaway Cats. Send Ururun Cat and Holy Valkyrie when the enemy base is hit. Whatever you do, try and get all Anti-unstarred Alien Treasures so your cats can do more damage and take less. If you die, go back to get more Anti-Alien Treasures if you haven't gotten them all, and also upgrade your heavy hitters more.

Zombie Outbreak[]


Chapter 1[]

  • 3 Baa Baas spawn after 16.67 seconds500f, delay 4~8 seconds120f~240f.
  • 20 Those Guys spawn after 18.67 seconds560f, delay 5~10 seconds150f~300f.
  • 1 Heavenly Hippoe spawns after 26.67 seconds800f.
  • 1 Heavenly Hippoe spawns after 31.67 seconds950f.
  • 1 Heavenly Hippoe spawns after 36.67 seconds1,100f.
  • Infinite Gabriels spawn after 50 seconds1,500f, delay 26.67~53.33 seconds800f~1,600f.
  • 3 Baa Baas spawn after 66.67 seconds2,000f, delay 4~8 seconds120f~240f.
  • Infinite Heavenly Hippoes spawn after 133.33 seconds4,000f, delay 60~80 seconds1,800f~2,400f.
  • 3 Maawths spawn after 166.67 seconds5,000f, delay 166.67 seconds5,000f.
  • When the base reaches 99% HP:
    • 1 Dread Bore spawns as the boss.
    • 3 Imperator Saels spawn, delay 20~26.67 seconds600f~800f.
    • Infinite Zrocos spawn, delay 16.67~33.33 seconds500f~1,000f.
    • Infinite Zir Zeals spawn, delay 60~80 seconds1,800f~2,400f.

Chapter 2[]

  • 3 Baa Baas spawn after 16.67 seconds500f, delay 4~8 seconds120f~240f.
  • 20 Those Guys spawn after 18.67 seconds560f, delay 5~10 seconds150f~300f.
  • 1 Heavenly Hippoe spawns after 26.67 seconds800f.
  • 1 Heavenly Hippoe spawns after 31.67 seconds950f.
  • 1 Heavenly Hippoe spawns after 36.67 seconds1,100f.
  • Infinite Gabriels spawn after 50 seconds1,500f, delay 26.67~53.33 seconds800f~1,600f.
  • 3 Baa Baas spawn after 66.67 seconds2,000f, delay 4~8 seconds120f~240f.
  • Infinite Heavenly Hippoes spawn after 133.33 seconds4,000f, delay 60~80 seconds1,800f~2,400f.
  • 3 Maawths spawn after 166.67 seconds5,000f, delay 166.67 seconds5,000f.
  • When the base reaches 99% HP:

Chapter 3[]

  • 1 Heavenly Hippoe spawns after 16.67 seconds500f.
  • 1 Heavenly Hippoe spawns after 26.67 seconds800f.
  • 1 Heavenly Hippoe spawns after 36.67 seconds1,100f.
  • Infinite Gabriels spawn after 33.33 seconds1,000f, delay 26.67~53.33 seconds800f~1,600f.
  • Infinite Gabriels spawn after 43.33 seconds1,300f, delay 26.67~53.33 seconds800f~1,600f.
  • 10 Baa Baas spawn after 50 seconds1,500f, delay 13.33~26.67 seconds400f~800f.
  • Infinite Thrillerz spawn after 66.67 seconds2,000f, delay 20~30 seconds600f~900f.
  • Infinite Heavenly Hippoes spawn after 100 seconds3,000f, delay 60~80 seconds1,800f~2,400f.
  • 3 Maawths spawn after 166.67 seconds5,000f, delay 166.67 seconds5,000f.
  • When the base reaches 99% HP:
    • 1 Cyberhorn spawns as the boss.
    • Infinite Zrocos spawn, delay 16.67~33.33 seconds500f~1,000f.
    • Infinite Imperator Saels spawn, delay 60~80 seconds1,800f~2,400f.
    • 3 Dread Bores spawn, delay 33.33 seconds1,000f.


Chapter 1[]

The stage is massive and the enemies are slow. Save up as much as you can, then go all-out.

Chapter 2[]

Similar to chapter 1, the major difference in enemies being that Ursamajor replaces the Maawth. Ursamajor hits harder and doesn't freeze your cats, but that doesn't honestly change a whole lot as you can still deal with them in about the same fashion.

Chapter 3[]

You have a lot of time to save up cash and spawn a couple heavy hitters due to the amount of cash that the Gabriels and Heavenly Hippoes give. A couple Baa Baas, Zrocos and Thrillerz will spawn after about 90 seconds and continue to spawn throughout the fight. Be vigilant with your meatshielding or The Thrillerz could get by your troops.

Once you hit the enemy base enough, your army will be knocked back and the big fight starts. Dread Bore will burrow right away and will leave your units at the front stranded for reinforcements. Hopefully they are strong enough to deal with the Cyberhorn, Sael and Maawth because they won't get much help for a bit. The first Dread Bore should go down with little issue, but there's a 2nd one to deal with.. and then a 3rd one. The biggest issue is that because they burrow for a good distance. By the 3rd Bore you'll be running on fumes if you're not careful who you spawn early (so they'll be ready to spawn again in time for Bore #3 a couple minutes later).

The timing is the toughest part, but having good anti-Aliens and Zombie Killers like Ectoweight Cat or Weedwacker Cat will be a huge help. Anti-Angel units are not particularly necessary, but Artist Cat helps smooth out the early phase. Anything with Strong Against/Massive Damage/Insane Damage vs. Zombies or with high DPS are recommended since they help you get back to the Alien battle much faster.



  • The Floating Continent's appearance on the map is quite similar to Laputa from the Studio Ghibli movie Castle in the Sky. The enemy base's design could be a reference to the giant Aetherium crystal that makes Laputa float in the first place.
  • In The Battle Cats Unite!, there is a typo with the stage name in the stage select menu, as it's spelled as "Floating Conrinent" instead of what it should be.
    • The name becomes its intended spelling if one were to play the stage, making it "Floating Continent".

