Gene Salesmen is the sixth and final stage in DNA Plantation. The first Behemoth, Ragin' Gory debuts here.
- 1 Ragin' Gory spawns after 6.67 seconds200f.
- Infinite Doge Darks spawn after 13.33 seconds400f, delay 20~23.33 seconds600f~700f.
- 6 Hackeys spawn after 40 seconds1,200f, delay 20~23.33 seconds600f~700f.
- 3 Ragin' Gories spawn after 46.67 seconds1,400f, delay 33.33~36.67 seconds1,000f~1,100f.
- 4 Zollows spawn after 53.33 seconds1,600f, delay 33.33~36.67 seconds1,000f~1,100f.
- 2 Ragin' Gories spawn after 113.33 seconds3,400f, delay 33.33~36.67 seconds1,000f~1,100f.
- When the base reaches 75% HP:
- 3 Zollows spawn, delay 3.33~6.67 seconds100f~200f.
Use anti-Black units such as Pizza Cat and Rodeo Cat to keep the Ragin' Gories in place, but don't bring Bombercat or Wargod Nobunaga because Ragin' Gory is immune to freeze. The Hackeys can destroy your base quickly, so don't let them gain too much ground. The Zollows shouldn't be that much of a problem, since they spawn infrequently. Thanks to Ragin' Gory’s Behemoth type, he can easily be disposed of by Behemoth Slayers like Courier Cat, Gas Mask Cat and Fabled Adventure Girl Kanna.
- In Version 11.5, which added the Behemoth type and applied it to Ragin' Gory, Gene Salesmen retroactively became the first stage to contain a Behemoth.