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Good Riddance 2018 (2018忘年会ガチャ, 2018 Bōnenkai Gacha, 2018 Year End Party Gacha)


Players have a chance to get the following Uber Rare and Super Rare characters: 

▼Uber Rare
Normal: Asiluga Evolved: Asilan Pasalan
Could be a Cat? Or could be something much weirder.
Asilan Pasalan
100% chance to slow enemies at super range! (Area Attack)
Normal: Ice Cat Evolved: Ice Crystal Cat
Ice Cat
Speedy attacks, quick recovery!
Might freeze Red enemies in place (Area Attack)
Ice Queen Cat
Speedy attacks, quick recovery!
Might freeze Red enemies in place (Area Attack)
Normal: Takeda Shingen Evolved: Wargod Shingen
Takeda Shingen
Only attacks Black and Alien enemies, but has super
high damage resistance and destructive power (Area Attacks)
Wargod Shingen
Only attacks Black and Alien enemies, but has super
high damage resistance and destructive power (Area Attacks)
Normal: Sodom Evolved: Earth King Sodom
Mighty defense and huge destructive power.
Resistant to Floating, might knockback (Area Attacks)
Earth King Sodom
Mighty defense and huge destructive power.
Resistant to Floating, might knockback (Area Attacks)
Normal: Thundia Evolved: Thundia type β
High power meets long range.
Huge Area damage against Red enemies.
Thundia type β
Evolved for MORE POWER!
Huge Area damage against Red enemies.
Normal: Princess Kaguya Evolved: The Death Moon
Princess Kaguya
A cheap to produce hero with quick attacks!
Might slow Angel and Metal enemies (Area Attack)
The Death Moon
Fantasy to Sci-Fi: TRANSFORM! Super strength + range!
Sometimes slow Angel and Metal enemies (Area Attack)
Normal: Akira Evolved: Shadow Akira
Heavy firepower at long range!
Might freeze Alien enemies (Area Attack)
Shadow Akira
Heavy firepower at long range!
Gets more powerful after taking damage! (Area attack)
Normal: Thunder God Zeus Evolved: The Majestic Zeus
Thunder God Zeus
Long-ranged, quick and powerful Area strikes!
Weak against Hera's wrath, but strong against Angels!
The Majestic Zeus
Long-ranged, quick and powerful Area strikes!
Weak against Hera's wrath, but strong against Angels!
Normal: Mighty Kat-A-Pult Evolved: CAT-6 Siege Engine
Mighty Kat-A-Pult
Can't attack close-up, but deals big damage to faraway foes.
Tough against Zombie attacks, might weaken enemies!
Stop Zombies from reviving with long range annihilation!
CAT-6 Siege Engine
Can't attack close-up, but deals big damage to faraway foes.
Tough against Zombie attacks, might weaken enemies!
Stop Zombies from reviving with long range annihilation!
Normal: Bora Evolved: Bazibon
High-powered mid-range Area attacks!
Delivers massive damage to Aliens!
Evolved Barrier-breaking powers, delivering extra damage and negating damage reduction!
Tough defense and massive Area damage vs Aliens!
Normal: Sakura Sonic Evolved: Afterschool Sakura
Sakura Sonic
A mighty anti-Metal warrior!
Tough vs. Metal, plus area attacks with chance of Critical strike and 100% chance to Slow!
Afterschool Sakura
A mighty anti-Metal warrior!
Tough vs. Metal, plus area attacks with chance of Critical strike and 100% chance to Slow!
Normal: Seashore Kai Evolved: Seashore Kai, type μ
Seashore Kai
Tough defense, with fast Area Attacks!
Super tough vs Black/Zombies (Area Attack)
Seashore Kai, type μ
Tough defense, with fast Area Attacks!
Super tough vs Black/Zombies (Area Attack)
▼Super Rare ▼Rare
Years-End Neneko
Regular Super Rare drops, Years-End Neneko Regular Rare drops


