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Battle Cats Wiki
Not to be confused with the Infernal Tower version of Floor 22.

Floor 22 is the 22nd floor of Heavenly Tower. This is a No Continues stage.


  • 1 Brollow spawns after 3.33 seconds100f.
  • When the base reaches 99% HP:


Strategy 1[]

Lineup: Manic Mohawk Cat 30, Crazed Wall Cat 40, Eraser Cat 20+25, Sanzo Cat 30, Necro-Dancer Cat 30, Fishman Cat 30, Kotatsu Cat 40, Paris Cat 40, Pizza Cat 38, Ururun Wolf 30

Cannon: Iron Wall


  • Slow Beam is another option for the cannon.
  • Pizza Cat must be no lower than level 38, if at a lower level, he won't kill the Brollows in one hit.
  • Cats like Courier Cat and Housewife Cat are bad, since they will hit the Brollows out from behind Flying Ninja, and don't deal enough damage to kill Brollows in one hit.

Spawn meatshields as soon as you enter the battle, and then stall the Brollow with Crazed Wall and Eraser until you get to max money. Don't use Manic Mohawk, as he does quite a bit of damage and might kill the Brollow too early. Once you are at max money, spawn Ururun first and then spawn everything else. Once Flying Ninja Cat and the spammed Brollows appear, prioritize your meatshields, Sanzo, Kotatsu and Pizza Cat; you can also spawn the others, but they don't really do that much during this part and may be a bit of a money drain. Just try and make Ururun stay alive for as long as you possibly can. If she dies too early, then you won't have enough firepower to defend yourself from the Brollows. After the Brollow spam ends, prioritize Necro-Dancer and Fishman. Flying Ninja should be quickly perma-frozen by the Necro-Dancer stack, and Fishman will chip him down quickly; once Flying Ninja finally goes down, the level is over.


Video Player Notes

風雲にゃんこ塔 22階 無課金攻略


風雲にゃんこ塔 22階

Evan c

