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Battle Cats Wiki



Bloodthirsty Lv. Strength Magnifications Energy Cost Rewards
Corrupted Cat Base Killer Cat Treasure Timed Score Base XP
1 100% 50% 50 Killer Cat (5%, 1 time) 500: Speed Up +1 950


An easy stage that any unit can beat. Bring any of the Normal Cats to win.



Bloodthirsty Lv. Strength Magnifications Energy Cost Rewards
Corrupted Cat Base Killer Cat Treasure Timed Score Base XP
2 700% 170% 70 Killer Cat (10%, 1 time) 500: Cat CPU +1 1,330
3 2,000% 1,200% 80 Killer Cat (20%, 1 time) 500: XP +50,000 1,520
4 5,600% 2,560% 90 Killer Cat (50%, 1 time) 500: Cat Jobs +1 1,710
5 9,200% 3,920% 100 Killer Cat (100%, 1 time) 500: Sniper the Cat +1 1,900
6 12,800% 5,280% 110 N/A 500: Cat Ticket +1 2,090
7 16,400% 6,640% 120 N/A 500: Catamin [A] +3 2,280


Since Killer Cat is single target, meatshield spam and Bombercat are all you need to stall it. You will need a wave blocker like Octopus Cat to nullify the Corrupted Cat Base's attacks, which are strong enough to kill most units at the later stages.



Bloodthirsty Lv. Strength Magnifications Energy Cost Rewards
Corrupted Cat Base Killer Cat Timed Score Base XP
8 20,000% 8,000% 140 500: Catamin [B] +3 2,660
9 30,000% 11,000% 150 500: Catamin [C] +3 2,850
10 40,000% 16,000% 200 500: Cat Ticket +1 3,800


Strategy 1[]

Lineup: 5 cheap meatshields, Octopus Cat, Bombercat, Pizza Cat, Awakened Bahamut Cat, plus any spammable area attacker (Cyborg, Cameraman, etc)

When the first Killer Cat gets near your base, deploy a few meatshields and Bombercats to stall for max wallet. When your wallet is full, deploy Octopus Cat and a few Bombercats and Pizza Cats. Octopus Cat will nullify the Corrupted Cat Base's cannon, preventing it from wiping out all your units. Deploy just enough to push towards the base, but keep your wallet near full.

When your units damage the enemy base, the horde will spawn. Let it chew through your units and get about halfway to your base. Then spam everything except Octopus Cat. Spamming meatshields and Bombercat is most important. Eventually, you will have a stack of Bombercats to freeze the horde, which you can whittle down with Pizza Cat and Awakened Bahamut. When the horde is defeated, deploy Octopus Cat and let your units advance towards and destroy the enemy base.

Strategy 2 (Cheese)[]

Lineup: Metal Macho Cat 20, Bombercat, Awakened Bahamut Cat, Octopus Cat, 2 cheap meatshields, high DPS units/base destroyers

At the start of the stage, time 2 Bombercats such that the first Killer Cat is permanently frozen. Level up your wallet and stack as many Metal Macho Cats as you can (ideally at least 15) while stalling the first two Killer Cats. Make sure to spawn 1-2 octopus cats before your stack gets in range of the enemy's Corrupted Cat Cannon, along with Awakened Bahamut and other high DPS units. Octopus will protect your Bahamut and DPS units from the cannon wave, while your stack of Metal Macho Cats will hold off the horde. With a sufficiently large stack, the enemy base will be destroyed before your Metal Macho stack dies.

