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Battle Cats Wiki
Not to be confused with the Heavenly Tower version of Floor 24.

Floor 24 is the 24th floor of Infernal Tower.


  • 3 Shadow Boxer Ks spawn after 43.33 seconds1,300f, delay 0.67 seconds20f.
  • 3 Doge Darks (250%) spawn after 33.33 seconds1,000f, delay 0.67 seconds20f.
  • 3 Gory Blacks spawn after 20 seconds600f, delay 0.67 seconds20f.
  • When the base reaches 99% HP:


At the start of the level, just use Pizza Cat to deal with the enemies easily. These enemies will drop a sufficient amount cash, so there is no need to worry about that. When you hit the base, start spawning Housewife and Slime Cat to deal with the peons. Assassin BearCat can snipe the enemies and, at a high enough level, can take them out easily. It's recommended to get Pizza Cat's Wave Attack Talent to deal with Le'noir as well as oncoming threats. Tackey can be countered by Golfer Cat at a high enough level as well, but Golfer is replaceable by other Long Distance Units.

