Battle Cats Wiki

Italy is the 24th stage in Empire of Cats. Upon completion in Chapter 1, Titan Cat and Boogie Cat will be available to unlock in the Upgrade Menu.


  • 1 Gory spawns after 180 seconds5,400f.
  • 1 Jackie Peng spawns after 120 seconds3,600f.
  • 1 Pigge spawns after 60 seconds1,800f.
  • 1 Hippoe spawns.
  • When the base reaches 90% HP:
    • Infinite Hippoes spawn, delay 10~40 seconds300f~1,200f.
    • Infinite Pigges spawn, delay 10~40 seconds300f~1,200f.
    • Infinite Jackie Pengs spawn, delay 10~40 seconds300f~1,200f.
    • Infinite Gories spawn, delay 10~40 seconds300f~1,200f.


Start by upgrading the Worker Cat once, and wait for your money to build up. When Hippoe is near the Cat Base, start spamming meatshields, Axe Cats, Gross Cats, Bird Cats and Lizard Cats throughout the battle.

Zombie Outbreak[]


  • 1 Zory spawns after 120 seconds3,600f.
  • 1 Zackie Peng spawns after 80 seconds2,400f.
  • 1 Zigge spawns after 46.67 seconds1,400f.
  • 1 Zomboe spawns.
  • When the base reaches 90% HP:
    • Infinite Zomboes spawn, delay 10~40 seconds300f~1,200f.
    • Infinite Zigges spawn, delay 10~40 seconds300f~1,200f.
    • Infinite Zackie Pengs spawn, delay 10~40 seconds300f~1,200f.
    • Infinite Zories spawn, delay 10~40 seconds300f~1,200f.
    • 3 Hippoes spawn, delay 10~13.33 seconds300f~400f.


This stage is very straightforward. Spam Giraffe Cats and the Zombies will dig under them, leaving the enemy base open to take damage.



  • In the Japanese version, this stage takes place in Fukui Prefecture.
  • Fukui Prefecture's base is Tōjinbō, a series of rugged cliffs along the Sea of Japan just north of Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture.

