Battle Cats Wiki

Japan is the 7th stage in Empire of Cats.
Hippoe appears for the first time in this stage.

Upon completion in Chapter 1, you unlock the Cat Capsule feature.


  • Infinite Doge spawn after 0 seconds0f, delay 10.67~18.67 seconds320f~560f.
  • Infinite Snache spawn after 0 seconds0f, delay 20~53.33 seconds600f~1,600f.
  • Infinite Those Guys spawn after 40 seconds1,200f, delay 20~53.33 seconds600f~1,600f.
  • When the base reaches 90% HP:
    • 6 Those Guys spawn after 0 seconds0f, delay 2~4 seconds60f~120f.
    • 1 Hippoe spawns as the boss after 0 seconds0f.


Use Tank Cat as a staller and upgrade your Worker Cat to max level. When Those Guys appear, use the Cat Cannon and spawn at least two Cats. When your Worker Cat reaches max level, you can send Gross Cat. Then, keep spamming your meatshields.

Another strategy for Chapter 1 is to keep spamming Basic Cats until you can afford a Worker Cat upgrade. When Hippoe spawns, start deploying Tank Cats instead. Use your Cat Cannon when Those Guys start overwhelming you.

  • For Chapters 2 and 3 - Use Wall Cat to stall the enemies and upgrade your Worker Cat to max level. Then spawn your stronger units, such as Mythical Titan Cat, Dragon Cat, etc.

Zombie Outbreak

This stage introduces Zomboe.


  • Infinite Zoge spawns after 0 seconds0f, delay 10.67~18.67 seconds320f~560f.
  • Infinite Znache spawn after 0 seconds0f, delay 20~53.33 seconds600f~1,600f.
  • Infinite Those Guys spawn after 40 seconds1,200f, delay 20~53.33 seconds600f~1,600f.
  • Infinite Zroco spawn after 10 seconds300f, delay 13.33~20 seconds400f~600f.
  • When the base reaches 90% HP:
    • 6 Those Guys spawn after 0 seconds0f, delay 2~4 seconds60f~120f.
    • 1 Hippoe spawns after 0 seconds0f.
    • 1 Zomboe spawns as the boss after 0 seconds0f.


Peons spawn early and often to rack up Worker Cat levels.

Zomboe, Hippoe and Those Guys appear when you hit the base.

This really isn't a difficult stage and the enemies want to burrow past your front line, meaning you can rush it with Giraffe Cats very easily.

