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Kenya is the 26th stage in Into the Future.


Chapters 1 & 2[]


  • 3 Pigges spawn after 6.67 seconds200f, delay 20~30 seconds600f~900f.
  • 3 Sir Seals spawn after 13.33 seconds400f, delay 26.67~40 seconds800f~1,200f.
  • Infinite Crocos spawn after 25 seconds750f, delay 8.33~16.67 seconds250f~500f.
  • Infinite Snaches spawn after 26.67 seconds800f, delay 6.67~13.33 seconds200f~400f.
  • 5 Crocos spawn after 40 seconds1,200f, delay 3.33~6.67 seconds100f~200f.
  • 5 Snaches spawn after 60 seconds1,800f, delay 3.33~6.67 seconds100f~200f.
  • Infinite Pigges spawn after 100 seconds3,000f, delay 33.33~50 seconds1,000f~1,500f.
  • Infinite Sir Seals spawn after 133.33 seconds4,000f, delay 40~60 seconds1,200f~1,800f.
  • When the base reaches 99% HP:
    • 1 Croco spawns as the boss.
    • 5 Gory Blacks spawn, delay 3.33~6.67 seconds100f~200f.
    • 5 Gories spawn, delay 3.33~6.67 seconds100f~200f.

Chapter 3[]


  • 3 Pigges spawn after 6.67 seconds200f, delay 13.33~20 seconds400f~600f.
  • 3 Sir Seals spawn after 13.33 seconds400f, delay 20~30 seconds600f~900f.
  • Infinite Crocos spawn after 26.67 seconds800f, delay 3.33~6.67 seconds100f~200f.
  • Infinite Ginger Snaches spawn after 33.33 seconds1,000f, delay 5~10 seconds150f~300f.
  • Infinite Crocos spawn after 50 seconds1,500f, delay 6.67~13.33 seconds200f~400f.
  • Infinite Ginger Snaches spawn after 60 seconds1,800f, delay 8.33~16.67 seconds250f~500f.
  • Infinite Pigges spawn after 66.67 seconds2,000f, delay 26.67~40 seconds800f~1,200f.
  • Infinite Sir Seals spawn after 100 seconds3,000f, delay 33.33~50 seconds1,000f~1,500f.
  • When the base reaches 99% HP:
    • 1 Croco spawns as the boss.
    • 5 Gory Blacks spawn, delay 1.67~3.33 seconds50f~100f.
    • 5 Gory Blacks spawn, delay 3.33~6.67 seconds100f~200f.
    • 5 Gories spawn, delay 1.67~3.33 seconds50f~100f.
    • 5 Gories spawn, delay 3.33~6.67 seconds100f~200f.


Pigges and Sir Seals will spawn at the beginning and you have plenty of time to stall for Worker Cat levels. It is recommended that you start stacking attackers like Ring Girl Cat or a slow Uber so you have extras for the boss wave. You have until you hit the enemy base, so don't summon any fast units until you're absolutely ready.

After you hit the base, all at once, about 3-4 Gory Black and about a half-dozen regular Gory pop out of the base and rush you during the knockback. If you are sufficiently prepared with stacking mid-long-ranged cats then you will have little issue, it may just take some time.

Zombie Outbreak[]


Chapter 1[]


  • 2 Zrocos (150%) spawn after 6.67 seconds200f, delay 8.33 seconds250f.
  • 2 Znaches spawn after 13.33 seconds400f, delay 10 seconds300f.
  • 1 Gory spawns after 20 seconds600f.
  • 2 Zigges spawn after 100 seconds3,000f, delay 33.33~50 seconds1,000f~1,500f.
  • 2 Zir Zeals spawn after 133.33 seconds4,000f, delay 40~60 seconds1,200f~1,800f.
  • When the base reaches 99% HP:
    • 1 Zroco (100%) spawns as the boss.
    • 5 Zrocos (150%) spawn, delay 16.67~20 seconds500f~600f.
    • 5 Znaches spawn, delay 16.67~20 seconds500f~600f.
    • 2 Gory Blacks spawn, delay 23.33~26.67 seconds700f~800f.
    • 5 Gories spawn, delay 3.33~6.67 seconds100f~200f.
    • 2 Zories spawn, delay 16.67~20 seconds500f~600f.

Chapter 2[]


  • 2 Zrocos spawn after 6.67 seconds200f, delay 8.33 seconds250f.
  • 2 Znaches spawn after 13.33 seconds400f, delay 10 seconds300f.
  • 1 Gory spawns after 20 seconds600f.
  • 2 Zigges spawn after 100 seconds3,000f, delay 33.33~50 seconds1,000f~1,500f.
  • 2 Zir Zeals spawn after 133.33 seconds4,000f, delay 40~60 seconds1,200f~1,800f.
  • When the base reaches 99% HP:
    • 1 Zroco spawns as the boss.
    • 5 Zrocos spawn, delay 16.67~20 seconds500f~600f.
    • 5 Znaches spawn, delay 16.67~20 seconds500f~600f.
    • 2 Angelic Gories spawn, delay 23.33~26.67 seconds700f~800f.
    • 2 Gory Blacks spawn, delay 23.33~26.67 seconds700f~800f.
    • 5 Gories spawn, delay 3.33~6.67 seconds100f~200f.
    • 2 Zories spawn, delay 16.67~20 seconds500f~600f.

Chapter 3[]


  • 2 Zrocos spawn after 6.67 seconds200f, delay 8.33 seconds250f.
  • 2 Znaches spawn after 13.33 seconds400f, delay 10 seconds300f.
  • 1 Gory spawns after 20 seconds600f.
  • 2 Zigges spawn after 100 seconds3,000f, delay 33.33~50 seconds1,000f~1,500f.
  • 2 Zir Zeals spawn after 133.33 seconds4,000f, delay 40~60 seconds1,200f~1,800f.
  • When the base reaches 99% HP:
    • 1 Croco spawns as the boss.
    • 5 Zrocos spawn, delay 16.67~20 seconds500f~600f.
    • 5 Znaches spawn, delay 16.67~20 seconds500f~600f.
    • 2 Angelic Gories spawn, delay 23.33~26.67 seconds700f~800f.
    • 2 Gory Blacks spawn, delay 23.33~26.67 seconds700f~800f.
    • 5 Gories spawn, delay 3.33~6.67 seconds100f~200f.
    • 2 Zories spawn, delay 16.67~20 seconds500f~600f.


Chapter 1 & 2[]

Only the peons filter in at the start. Hold them off by making them burrow quickly. Keep the burrowing and the Zrocos weaken effect in mind during this time. No other enemies spawn until you hit the enemy base.

When you do hit the base, a group of Gories of all kinds pop out and attack you. Zory will burrow immediately but the others will beat on your cats until they are down. The Angelic Gory in Chapter 2 is a huge threat, so Paris Cat or Artist Cat will be a big help here. Bring lots of spammable attackers to deal with the Gory Black quickly and as always ensure you have Zombie Killer cats with you.

Zigge is hardly noticeable but can get annoying when she burrows behind your DPS units, while Zir Zeal is going to be a hail-mary type of play from the enemy. Once most enemies are dead, Zir Zeal will spawn and dive well behind all of your cats. If you can keep him at bay with Rare Cats and meatshields, then you should have no problems finishing the stage off while he's still alive.

Chapter 3[]

Since Angelic Gory is the main threat of this stage, you will want to make sure you have something to deal with him, namely Artist Cat. Anti-Angel units like Momotaro, Princess Juliet Cat or Cat Projector are helpful but may not fit in your lineup. Weakening any of the enemies (but especially Angelic Gory) is a huge boon, so bring Magica Cat or Fire Squad Kachiyama if you have them.

Two things have to happen for this stage to work, and the units are very flexible depending on what you have:

  1. Tank Angelic Gory well. He will rip through your front line and get your DPS in the back if you are not prepared with enough meatshields or strong enough units.
  2. Stop the Zir Zeals from sniping your base as your units move towards the base in the later part of the stage. They burrow 1,500 range, so be careful!

If you keep a Zombie Killer unit on reserve for Zir Zeal and make sure you have at least 4 meatshields (maybe 3 if Artist Cat is one of them) for Angelic Gory.

