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Kosamin Ruins is the first stage in The Endless Wood. This stage is a remake of Sesamin Ruins.



Ramen Cat at level ~45 will help to form a strong defensive line against the Winged Pigges. With the right Cat Combos (Horror Movies and Bony Bone), he can even be used as your only meatshield.

Use one or two Ramen Cats at at a time to stall the peons without moving forward too far, and use that time to get to upgrade your Worker Cat and stack Long Distance Cats such as Cyberpunk Cat.

Bulky, expensive powerhouses are generally preferred over spammable attackers here; no matter what, make sure they can all outrange the Winged Pigges' Omni Strikes, otherwise they will be decimated within seconds and you will lose.

Getting Ururun's true form greatly helps here as she is able to outrange the Winged Pigges.

Strategy 1 (1 Crown)[]

Lineup: Deathrock, Biohazard, Art History, Bony Bone, Ramen Cat 40+, Drone Cat 30, Manic Macho Legs 30

Notes: Replace Drone Cat with Cyborg Cat if you don't have it

Spawn a few Ramens. Let them stall until your Worker Cat is about level 5, and you have quite a bit of cash built up, then just spam Ramen, Drone and MML until the Winged Pigges die.

Strategy 2 (All Crowns)[]

Lineup: Biohazard, Bony Bone, Horror Movies, Ramen Cat 50+26, Awakened Ururun 50


  • Lower levels can work for 1 Crown.
  • This strategy was tested on 3 Crowns.
  • The remaining open slots should be filled in with other attackers, such as Awakened Mina or Crazed Bahamut Cat.
  • Ramen Cat has the Defense Buff MAX talent.

This level is a level check for Ramen Cat. You are (almost certainly) NOT getting past this level without a strong Ramen Cat or a comedically strong anti-Angel Uber/Legend. Stall out the early peons, get out your long-ranged units, and then spam Ramen Cat. If your Ramen Cat is at a high enough level, you will win with ease.

Strategy 3 (1/4 Crown, No Gacha)[]

Lineup: Gross!!!, Pumpkinpants, Healer Cat CC, Manic Eraser Cat, Stone Cat, Courier Cat 50

Cannon: Slow Beam 15+


  • This strategy is only intended for 1- and 4-crown. 2-crown is possible but is not a viable strategy in any way.
  • Slow Cannon should be at least level 10, but 15+ is preferred.
  • Manic Eraser isn't strictly necessary, and can be completely omitted on 4-crown difficulty.

Click here for the original video

This strategy revolves around a trick known as 'Courier stacking'. It can take a few minutes to complete, but shouldn't be too difficult. Begin by sending out one Eraser, then let the game play itself until the first Gabriel hits your base. Then, use Courier to knock it back, and let it hit your base again. Now, Courier shouldn't be able to hit Gabriel. Spawn Healer to perma-freeze the Gabriel, and just spam Courier. When the Courier stack is strong enough (i.e. you have so many that no Gabriels can even get to hit the base before being knocked back), repeatedly spawn Boulder to hit back Gabriels, until there is one left in front of the base.

Keep on spamming Courier until the spawn limit is reached. At some point Healer will knock back the one remaining Gabriel and then your stack will rush towards the base. Just before the base is hit and the Winged Pigges appear, pre-emptively fire the Slow Cannon. At this point, you should have enough Couriers that the Winged Pigges will be unable to attack before being knocked back, and the Courier stack should have enough DPS to destroy the base very quickly.

