Although he appears to be one of the weakest Aliens and is not much of a threat in Into the Future, later in the game his DPS skyrockets to 12k~20k due to the absurdly high strength magnifications he's given in Cats of the Cosmos and Legend Stages.
The strategy for this enemy varies greatly with his strength magnification. Crazed Sexy Legs Cat works great against low-strength Kroxos, but his damage becomes apparent in late-game, requiring units like Macho Leg Cat and Crazed UFO Cat to get rid of him in time. Surge Attackers like Brainwashed Sexy Legs are amazing at dealing with hordes of Kroxos.
Overcame his eye condition to get a degree in interior design. His philosophy is "Simple is Best"; turns out he just paints it all blue and takes the rest of the week off.
A distinctively-eyed crocodile who obtained a qualification in correspondence learning as a color coordinator. "Simple is best," so he dyed his whole body blue and the coordination was finished.
Turn the animation on and off using the switch in the upper left. Clicking the viewer background enables scrolling and zooming with the mouse if on desktop. Note that browser zoom may cause issues with scrolling and zooming. A list of available backgrounds can be found here. For more info on usage, see here.
Kroxo appears in Shoumetsu Toshi as a wood type unit introduced in the fourth collaboration between the two games. It appears in the collaboration gacha during the event duration and can only be obtained through it.
ワーニック (Wānikku)
Stats At Level 30
Single Skill
Water attribute enemy's defense power 75% DOWN once
Leadership Skill
Increases the attack power of ally wood souls is doubled
Kroxo's spritesheet
Kroxo's moving animation
His Japanese name, Wānikku (ワーニック) is nearly the same as Croco's (ワニック), but with a ー (chōonpu) added after the "wa".
"Wanikku" is a portmanteau of wani ("crocodile") and panikku ("panic"), referencing Gator Panic's Japanese name, Waniwani Panic.
He is the only character to have a semicolon in his description.