Li'l Nyandam attacks much faster and has slightly longer range than his older self (620 as opposed to 500) with lots of damage. His health, while not the highest, still makes him a tough adversary and he retains the same knockback count.
As with many other Nyandam variants, Li'l Nyandam's attack rate still allows you to slip in strong anti-Red attackers like Courier Cat, Island Cat or Crazed Whale Cat if you get the peons out of the way. Units that outrange him or can hit him through indirect fire like Prisoner Cat or Hacker Cat are also useful to bring.
The classic Awakened Bahamut Cat or any other rushers + Cat Cannon interruption can take off a good chunk of his health. With proper stalling and enough time, you can defeat this meddlesome child via rinse and repeating. However, it may be hard to find an opening in the stages he appears in to do this and your rushers can be thrown off by stray peons or attacks from other supporting enemies.
If one can somehow shove an iCat into his radius, he will be frozen, which provides you time to get another one in to perma-freeze him. This requires some timing, however, and much like in the case with rushers, can be extremely inconsistent.
A quantum blip de-aged him back to a kid. People don't know what to think when that leathery face cries over candy, but he still has to pay full price at the movies.
Distortion of spacetime de-aged Nyandam back to a child. Shocked that he still has an adult face, his childishness when receiving candy may help make him more appealing, but he still has to pay adult fare for the train.
This enemy has always appeared at 100% strength magnification.
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