Battle Cats Wiki
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Master of Battojutsu is the fifth and final stage in Kenshin Himura, Battosai.


  • 3 Duches spawn after 6.67 seconds200f, delay 20~23.33 seconds600f~700f.
  • 1 Dagshund spawns after 16.67 seconds500f.
  • When the base reaches 99% HP:


This stage is very annoying with the fast attacking boss outranging basically everything. At least 4 meatshields are recommended.

Strategy 1[]

Use rushers like maglev cat, swimmer cat to slowly chip down the boss while meatshielding while also using high dps ranged units like paris cat, dragon cat,etc.

Awakened bahamut carries this stage with proper meatshielding and other ranged attackers.

Strategy 2[]

Stack 2-3 cyberpunks with support of paris cat, dragon cat, crazed bahamut cat etc. to kill the Dagshunds,Duches and Rain D. At least one rusher like maglev cat or swimmer cat really helps but doable without them.

