Similarly to other Cyclones, this very slow enemy attacks non-stop and deals extreme damage, but has a tiny range of 65. It takes only 1 damage from non-Critical attacks like all Metal enemies yet has more than triple the health of Sir Metal Seal, requiring a lot of Critical Hits to defeat. Fortunately, Metal Cyclone does have a very high knockback count, making it easy to keep at bay if enough damage is dealt to it.
Depending on the support, you may have to reserve only a few anti-metal specialists to take it down. When using critical hitters like Catasaurus that value quantity over quality, it's important to back them with CC units so they could at least attack it with impunity. Guaranteed critical units like Soba Cat, while definitely useful, will also require support so they don't waste their powerful critical hits on something else.
Attacks continuously through ultra high-speed rotation so no one can stop its cyclonic force. Its iron body prevents it from floating, and dispersing its metal shards everywhere means it is continuously being destroyed.
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Metal Cyclone existed in the game data for an indeterminate length of time before it was implemented, hence why it is the fourth Cyclone in the Enemy Release Order despite being the fifth released, coming after Divine Cyclone, and why Wrath of Heaven's ID comes before Sweet Irony's in spite of that.
Before Metal Cyclone was implemented, it appeared noticeably higher above the ground, floating at the same altitude as the previous Cyclones - as shown in the gallery above.