Mexico is the 37th stage in Into the Future.
Chapter 1[]
- 5 Shibaliens spawn after 10 seconds300f, delay 8~12 seconds240f~360f.
- 3 Hyppohs spawn after 20 seconds600f, delay 16~24 seconds480f~720f.
- Infinite Doges spawn after 22 seconds660f, delay 6.67~13.33 seconds200f~400f.
- Infinite Those Guys spawn after 23.33 seconds700f, delay 6.67~13.33 seconds200f~400f.
- 3 One Horns spawn after 33.33 seconds1,000f, delay 53.33 seconds1,600f.
- 3 One Horns spawn after 40 seconds1,200f, delay 53.33 seconds1,600f.
- 3 Shy Boys spawn after 60 seconds1,800f, delay 33.33 seconds1,000f.
- Infinite Pigges spawn after 66.67 seconds2,000f, delay 29.33~36.67 seconds880f~1,100f.
Chapter 2[]
- 5 Shibaliens spawn after 10 seconds300f, delay 8~12 seconds240f~360f.
- Infinite Those Guys spawn after 16.67 seconds500f, delay 6.67~13.33 seconds200f~400f.
- 1 One Horn spawns after 20 seconds600f.
- 1 One Horn spawns after 26.67 seconds800f.
- Infinite Trolly Bloggers spawn after 40 seconds1,200f, delay 8.33~16.67 seconds250f~500f.
- 1 Shy Boy spawns after 60 seconds1,800f.
- Infinite Ginger Snaches spawn after 66.67 seconds2,000f, delay 10~20 seconds300f~600f.
- When the base reaches 80% HP:
- 1 Bore spawns as the boss.
Chapter 3[]
- 5 Shibaliens spawn after 10 seconds300f, delay 8~12 seconds240f~360f.
- Infinite Those Guys spawn after 16.67 seconds500f, delay 6.67~13.33 seconds200f~400f.
- 1 One Horn spawns after 20 seconds600f.
- 1 One Horn spawns after 26.67 seconds800f.
- Infinite Trolly Bloggers spawn after 40 seconds1,200f, delay 8.33~16.67 seconds250f~500f.
- 1 Shy Boy spawns after 60 seconds1,800f.
- Infinite Ginger Snaches spawn after 66.67 seconds2,000f, delay 10~20 seconds300f~600f.
- When the base reaches 80% HP:
- 1 Bore spawns as the boss.
- Infinite Shibaliens spawn, delay 10~20 seconds300f~600f.
- 1 Maawth spawns.
Chapter 1[]
At the start of the battle, spam meatshields to prevent enemies from hitting your base and level up your wallet. Once the Shy Boys appear, spam your heavy hitters and back them up with meatshields. Don't worry, the Shy Boys are the main threats here, and they have only 300% strength magnification (100% less than in Twin Peaks), so they should be easy to stall and kill. Make sure to kill them before One Horn reaches your cats, or else they will protect the Shy Boys and attack your meatshields, making the battle harder. If you do so, you've already won this stage.
Chapter 2[]
Unlike the previous chapter, the Shy Boys aren't the main threats. The main threat in this stage is the Bore. Pirate Cat and Apple Cat are greatly recommended in here due to the boss, and he's even better in true form here. In this chapter, do the same thing than in the previous strategy in the start, but when Shy Boys appear, spam meatshields, Pirate Cats, Apple Cats, and some heavy hitters, especially anti-red units. For when you reach the boss, you should already have a stack of Pirate Cats, Apple Cats, and many heavy hitters. Once the boss appears, keep spamming meatshields, pirates, apples, and heavy hitters. Wave attacking units are also recommended here due to the Trolly Bloggers and Ginger Snaches getting in the way.
Chapter 3[]
Do the same thing than in chapter 2, but bring more anti red-units to stop Bore, with the fact that the use of Pirate Cat is not recommended since it will push him and your stack will die by Maawth.
Sorceress Cat, Face Cat and Dancing Flasher Cat are good options for this, however don't forget to bring a good anti-alien against Maawth.
Zombie Outbreak[]
Chapter 1[]
- 5 Shibaliens spawn after 10 seconds300f, delay 8~12 seconds240f~360f.
- 3 Hyppohs spawn after 20 seconds600f, delay 16~24 seconds480f~720f.
- Infinite Zoges spawn after 22 seconds660f, delay 6.67~13.33 seconds200f~400f.
- Infinite Those Guys spawn after 23.33 seconds700f, delay 6.67~13.33 seconds200f~400f.
- 3 One Horns spawn after 33.33 seconds1,000f, delay 53.33 seconds1,600f.
- 1 Dread Bore spawns after 53.33 seconds1,600f.
Chapter 2[]
- 5 Shibaliens spawn after 10 seconds300f, delay 8~12 seconds240f~360f.
- 3 Hyppohs spawn after 20 seconds600f, delay 16~24 seconds480f~720f.
- Infinite Zoges spawn after 22 seconds660f, delay 6.67~13.33 seconds200f~400f.
- 15 Thrillerz spawn after 23.33 seconds700f, delay 3.33~6.67 seconds100f~200f.
- 3 One Horns spawn after 33.33 seconds1,000f, delay 53.33 seconds1,600f.
- 1 Dread Bore spawns after 53.33 seconds1,600f.
Chapter 3[]
- 5 Shibaliens spawn after 10 seconds300f, delay 8~12 seconds240f~360f.
- 5 Thrillerz spawn after 16.67 seconds500f, delay 13.33~26.67 seconds400f~800f.
- 1 One Horn spawns after 20 seconds600f.
- 1 One Horn spawns after 26.67 seconds800f.
- 5 Thrillerz spawn after 40 seconds1,200f, delay 16.67~33.33 seconds500f~1,000f.
- 1 Shy Boy spawns after 60 seconds1,800f.
- Infinite Znaches spawn after 66.67 seconds2,000f, delay 30~60 seconds900f~1,800f.
- When the base reaches 80% HP:
- 1 Bore spawns as the boss.
- Infinite Shibaliens spawn, delay 10~20 seconds300f~600f.
- 3 Li'l Zyclones spawn, delay 30 seconds900f.
- 1 Maawth spawns.
You should have time for a couple of worker levels before you have to protect against the Hyppoh and Shibaliens coming to get you. You can still stall for a while if you don't kill the Hyppoh right away but be careful because another Hyppoh and a One Horn are coming too!
Once the Dread Bore spawns, its time to fight. You need to get fast units past all the peons to make the Bore burrow before hitting your base. His movement speed, attack speed and damage make him a formidable foe so do not underestimate this beastie.
The best counter obviously is Zombie Killer units and heavy meatshielding, just like regular Bore. Protecting your DPS cats from harm is a top priority here and any Freeze, Slow or Knockback to Zombie cats you can bring will be a big help.
Lineup suggestions:
Units like Shigong cat, Lumberjack Cat, Mighty Dredknot and Mighty Thermae-D-Lux are examples of perfect Zombie Killers. Add 3-4 meatshields and at least 2 more ranged damage dealers to keep the pressure up on the peons as well as Dread Bore and squeeze out a victory.
- Dread Bore may have 400,000 health but he only respawns with 200,000 so don't give up hope if it takes you forever to get him to puddle.
- Be wary of your main squad and all Zombie Killers pushing past the Dread Bore while he's regenerating. He only stays down for 5 seconds but that's plus his fast move speed is enough to cost you the game if you're not careful.
Chapter 2[]
Very similar strategy to chapter 1 as The Thrillerz are the only new enemy. Everything just hits harder, survives longer and you will have to prepare more for the double-burrowing Thrillerz.
All 4 of the peons make an appearance early into the match but you'll have time for a couple cat worker levels. Be careful of The Thrillerz as they burrow twice for about 500 range, really messing up your unit flow if you're not constantly spawning zombie killers. This matters quite a bit when you're barely holding off the Dread Bore in front of your base.
One Horn is basically free money in this stage. He spawns early but the Dread Bore who spawns after it will be doing all the work for the enemy team.
Dread Bore hits like a truck once again but a few good hits from a high damage Zombie Killer should do your job for you. Surviving a couple hits from my level 30 B.C.S. Tigerclaw means that he has well over 500k health, making him probably set to 200% scaling, if not 250%.
- Cat CPU can help you with perfect meatshielding if you are having trouble keeping up with the Dread Bore's attack speed.
Chapter 3[]
This chapter is not anything like the ones before it really. The One Horns are tanky as hell, Shy Boy hits like a truck and Li'l Zyclone is going to cause a rift in your units when he gets behind them. Oh and there are 3 Lil' Zyclones to fight during the match. Good luck!
The beginning of the match is very straight forward. Same strategy for the early game as always when dealing with The Thrillerz. Anti-Red cats are essential during this match up as the Shy Boy, one Horn and Bore all are very heavy hitters..
Make sure you're leveling up your worker cat as much as possible so you don't cap out on cash when the expensive One Horns finally die. The next step is to not summon all of your Zombie Killer ubers or long CD units immediately. If you have anti-red/Alien ubers then they should be summoned already to take down the early game reds.
- If you have Can Can Cat with Alien Target and Money Up talents you can get a really good head start in this match. Other cats like Roe Cat and Maximus the Fighter will do very well here.
Once you've saved up a bunch and make it to the base you get knocked back while the boss trio spawn. The Li'l Zyclone will burrow immediately and go a great distance, ending up close to your base when it resurfaces. This can be prevented with perfect Cat Cannon shots or Holy Blast. Other than that, you will need to save ZK units and ubers for after he surfaces. Not doing this will endanger your base and Li'l Z hits too hard to be left without crowd control of some kind.
The trick is to get Li'l Zyclone down fast enough so that your units on the front lines don't run out of meatshields, killing them in the process. This is increasingly difficult because 2 more Li'l Zyclone will spawn about 30 seconds apart from eachother. Your Cat Cannon will not be off cooldown in time for the 2nd one if you use it on the first. Keep rare ZK units in reserve when Li'l Z is dead or reviving so they don't walk past him or the Znache/Thrillerz that are still spawning.
Bore and Maawth will just take time to defeat and dealing with the Li'l Z is the more pressing threat so be extra careful. Anything that weakens red/alien or both should be summoned early and fighting them instead of fighting Li'l Z.
There is a sort of finesse to this stage and the amount of nasty enemies means it may take you a couple tries. I would not recommend trying this stage without all ITF treasures complete.