Moon is the 48th and final stage in Empire of Cats. Each chapter introduces a different boss and reward unit. In Chapter 1, The Face makes his first appearance and unlocks Moneko when defeated; in Chapter 2, it's Dark Emperor Nyandam and Valkyrie Cat; in Chapter 3, Teacher Bun Bun and Bahamut Cat.
In The Battle Cats POP!, clearing the Moon stage from Chapter 1 unlocks Challenge Mode, additional Rare Cat Capsule units, and the Sengoku Wargods Vajiras banner are unlocked. When clearing Iriomote in Chapter 2, the raw level cap is raised to level 20, Valkyrie Cat is unlocked, more Rare Cat Capsule units were added, and the Cyber Academy Galaxy Gals banner was unlocked. In The Battle Cats Unite!, clearing this stage unlocks the Lords of Destruction Dragon Emperors and Frontline Assault Iron Legion gacha banners and the ability to play the Heavenly Tower.
Chapter 1[]
- 1 The Face spawns as the boss.
- Infinite Those Guys spawn, delay 1~2 seconds30f~60f.
- Infinite Hippoes spawn, delay 6.67~13.33 seconds200f~400f.
- Infinite Jackie Pengs spawn, delay 10~20 seconds300f~600f.
- Infinite Gories spawn after 46.67 seconds1,400f, delay 13.33~30 seconds400f~900f.
- Infinite Kang Roos spawn after 120 seconds3,600f, delay 30~50 seconds900f~1,500f.
Chapter 2[]
- 1 Dark Emperor Nyandam spawns as the boss.
- Infinite Those Guys spawn, delay 0.13~1 second4f~30f.
- Infinite Crocos spawn, delay 6~33.33 seconds180f~1,000f.
- Infinite Squire Rels spawn, delay 6~66.67 seconds180f~2,000f.
- Infinite Crocos spawn after 80 seconds2,400f, delay 0.27~1.33 seconds8f~40f.
- Infinite Squire Rels spawn after 120 seconds3,600f, delay 0.27~1.33 seconds8f~40f.
- Infinite Jackie Pengs spawn, delay 13.33~60 seconds400f~1,800f.
- Infinite Hippoes spawn, delay 10~40 seconds300f~1,200f.
- Infinite One Horns spawn after 40 seconds1,200f, delay 66.67~100 seconds2,000f~3,000f.
Chapter 3[]
- Infinite Those Guys spawn, delay 0.13~1 second4f~30f.
- Infinite Crocos spawn after 20 seconds600f, delay 0.27~1.33 seconds8f~40f.
- Infinite B.B.Bunnies spawn after 20 seconds600f, delay 0.27~1.33 seconds8f~40f.
- Infinite Kang Roos spawn, delay 13.33~60 seconds400f~1,800f.
- Infinite Sir Seals spawn, delay 10~40 seconds300f~1,200f.
- Infinite Mooths spawn after 40 seconds1,200f, delay 60~80 seconds1,800f~2,400f.
- When the base reaches 99% HP:
- Infinite Gories spawn, delay 6.67~20 seconds200f~600f.
- Infinite Pigges spawn, delay 6.67~20 seconds200f~600f.
- Infinite Those Guys spawn, delay 0.67~2 seconds20f~60f.
- 4 Mooths spawn, delay 0.07 seconds2f.
- 6 Kang Roos spawn, delay 0.07~4 seconds2f~120f.
- 6 Sir Seals spawn, delay 4~13.33 seconds120f~400f.
- 10 Gories spawn, delay 0.07~1.33 seconds2f~40f.
- When the base reaches 70% HP:
- 1 Teacher Bun Bun spawns as the boss.
Chapter 1[]
The Face is the strongest enemy faced up to this point, but is hampered by several weaknesses which make him a pushover - low movement speed, slow attack rate, and somewhat mediocre range. Overall, The Face is very easy if you have most of the available Treasures unlocked.
Begin the battle by spawning a couple of Macho Cats, Wall Cats, Sexy Legs Cats and UFO Cats. Meanwhile, upgrade your Worker Cat to max level. Once the first step has been completed, wait for your wallet to fill up. It should not take long due to the enemies that will give lots of cash. Now you can start to spam Sexy Legs Cats, Dragon Cats and Mythical Titan Cats alongside your meatshields (Macho and Wall). If you have a lot of money stored, then try to spawn lots of UFO Cats as well. Don't freak out when Kang Roo will appear, she will not be a problem as your meatshields will prevent her from moving forward. If these steps were followed correctly, The Face will die easily. Proceed to the enemy base, and victory will be in your grasp. Note: this stage is EXTREMELY EASY and almost no strategy is required to beat it. Remember that Wall and Macho can protect your ranged units like Dragon and Sexy Legs.
Chapter 2[]
Dark Emperor Nyandam is another slow enemy, but more importantly, his attack rate is not that fast either, making him fairly easy and similar to The Face. Unlike The Face, he has the range to hit all Normal Cats and purchasable Special Cats, preventing you from just stacking Dragon Cats. Prepare a lineup with all anti-Red cats you own, as well as other Normal Cats. The One Horn cycles are generally the hardest part of the stage, so it is highly recommended to bring Whale Cat no matter your lineup. Above all, however, Treasures are the most important thing to have.
An especially easy way to beat him is through cats with knockback abilities against Red enemies. If Dark Emperor Nyandam is by the enemy base, knockback will continually stun the boss and prevent him from attacking. Pirate Cat is the definitive choice for this strategy, but Bean Cats, Raiden and some other units are also workable.
Keep in mind that, due to Dark Emperor Nyandam's slow attacks, any important unit should be summoned just after he attacks, so they'll stay alive as long as possible. You can also further delay Nyandam's attacks by using the Cat Cannon right before he does an attack to get a little bit of extra time.
At this point is time it is not really required to get treasures but they can help. If you are stuggling with this stage, evolve Fish Cat into Whale Cat and use Whale as your main attacker and tanker for the boss. Good luck!
Chapter 3[]
This stage is radically different than the others, featuring a fast-attacking and short-ranged enemy as the boss. Learning to meatshield is mandatory, and so is getting at least the most important Treasures from all three chapters. Any Uber or Legend Rare you have by now, if you have any, is likely to help, while close-ranged attackers like UFO Cat, Whale Cat and Mythical Titan Cat become a waste of money.
The general strategy is to stack massive amounts of long-ranged attackers on Teacher Bun Bun (anything with over 200 range will be safe), while sending out "meatshield" units such as Macho Cat and Wall Cat non-stop to keep them well-protected. The stage can be won using only Normal Cats and Valkyrie Cat, but adding Boogie Cat or any other cat with the same level of spammability (Gold Cat, Catburger, Awa-Odori Cat, Pumpcat, etc.) will make things vastly easier. Luring Teacher Bun Bun close to the Cat Base is not as risky as it sounds, and is recommended if the support enemies keep getting in the away.
Strategy 1[]
First of all, all of your cats have to be at level 20. Make sure you have acquired lots of Superior Treasures from all Empire of Cats chapters or else you'll struggle a lot on this stage.
Lineup: Macho Cat, Wall Cat, Sexy Legs Cat, UFO Cat, Dragon Cat, and True Valkyrie Cat (other cats are optional). If you have any anti-Floating cats (like Fortune Teller Cat, Shaman Cat, Kotatsu Cat, or Delinquent Cat), use them on this stage.
Battle: When the battle starts, spam Wall Cats and Dragon Cats. Meanwhile, upgrade your Worker Cat. By the time Mooth comes, your Worker Cat should be already maxed out. Just keep sending out the same units. Once your money has reached its maximum capacity, send out Valkyrie Cat, as this way you will slowly proceed toward the enemy base. You should be able to spawn another Valkyrie Cat once you start hitting the base, so after that start spamming Macho Cats, Wall Cats and Dragon Cats. Once Teacher Bun Bun spawns, your two Valkyrie Cats will most likely die. Keep spamming those same units, but this time add Sexy Legs Cats, and remember that you always want to have at least 4,000¢, as you want to be able to spawn Valkyrie Cat as soon as possible. Mooths are a good source of money, so remember to kill them as fast as possible. When Teacher Bun Bun is nearing his death, start spamming UFO Cats. A good option is to stall Teacher Bun Bun at his base to allow time for him when he passes through your cats.
Strategy 2 (Minimal User Rank/Cat CPU)[]
Lineup: Cat (Level 1), Boogie Cat (Level 1), Catburger (Level 1), Wall Cat (Level 20), Dragon Cat (Level 20), Valkyrie Cat (Level 20)
Notes: The meatshields can be swapped around with other 75c ones like So-Ran cat, Gold Cat, etc. You can't skip out on EOC treasures, they're REQUIRED.
Items: Speed Up (optional), Rich Cat (required), Sniper the Cat (required), Cat CPU (required)
Strategy: Wait for the first enemies to get close to your base, then start spamming one of your 75c meatshields, Wall Cat, and Dragon Cat. After the Dragon Cats start moving forward, summon Valkyrie Cat and continue the spamming. If you feel like you're losing too much dragons, start sending out more 75c meatshields. When you reach the base, slow down on sending meatshields, as the cat limit could very well be your end. Just keep sending Dragon Cats until Teacher Bun Bun spawns. Then turn on the Cat CPU. The reason this loadout is so minimal is to make sure you almost always have enough money to summon Dragon and Valkyrie when they're ready.
Video | Player | Notes |
Discreate | Incomplete Treasures |
Zombie Outbreak[]
Chapter 1[]
- Infinite Those Guys spawn after 1~2 seconds30f~60f.
- Infinite Zomboes spawn, delay 20~33.33 seconds600f~1,000f.
- Infinite Jackie Pengs spawn, delay 30~40 seconds900f~1,200f.
- Infinite Zackie Pengs spawn after 20 seconds600f, delay 30~40 seconds900f~1,200f.
- Infinite Gories spawn after 46.67 seconds1,400f, delay 13.33~30 seconds400f~900f.
- Infinite Zories spawn after 106.67 seconds3,200f, delay 33.33~46.67 seconds1,000f~1,400f.
- Infinite Kang Roos spawn after 120 seconds3,600f, delay 30~50 seconds900f~1,500f.
- When the base reaches 99% HP:
- 1 Lord Gravey spawns as the boss.
Chapter 2[]
- Infinite Squire Rels spawn, delay 1~2 seconds30f~60f.
- Infinite B.B.Bunnies spawn, delay 6.67~10 seconds200f~300f.
- Infinite Doges spawn, delay 2~3 seconds60f~90f.
- 1 Zory spawns after 10 seconds300f.
- 1 Zir Zeal spawns after 46.67 seconds1,400f.
- 3 Zories spawn after 106.67 seconds3,200f, delay 26.67~40 seconds800f~1,200f.
- 1 Zang Roo spawns after 166.67 seconds5,000f.
- 1 Miss Haka spawns as the boss.
Chapter 3[]
- Infinite Squire Rels spawn after 1 second30f, delay 1~2 seconds30f~60f.
- Infinite B.B.Bunnies spawn after 2 seconds60f, delay 6.67~10 seconds200f~300f.
- Infinite Doges spawn after 3 seconds90f, delay 2~3 seconds60f~90f.
- 5 Mooths spawn after 20 seconds600f, delay 53.33~66.67 seconds1,600f~2,000f.
- 1 Zory spawns after 10 seconds300f.
- 3 Zir Zeals spawn after 46.67 seconds1,400f, delay 33.33~40 seconds1,000f~1,200f.
- 3 Zories spawn after 106.67 seconds3,200f, delay 26.67~40 seconds800f~1,200f.
- 1 Zang Roo spawns after 166.67 seconds5,000f.
- 1 Lord Gravey spawns as the boss after 13.33 seconds400f.
- 1 Miss Haka spawns as the boss after 153.33 seconds4,600f.
Chapter 1[]
Focus on outranging Lord Gravey, as close-ranged attackers will get knocked back and suffer a lot of damage. He has 2 knockbacks, so after knocking him back once, you'll know he has less than 50% HP left. Now is the time to use any units you have to Zombie-Kill him. If you don't have a Zombie Killer, then you should rush the enemy base before Lord Gravey revives.
Chapter 2[]
The Zombies are only at 30% strength magnification in this chapter, so Miss Haka will have 216k HP and 3.75k dps if she does reach the base. She burrows non-stop, so she is basically more of a nuisance than an enemy to fight. Once she hits your base, she still can do a ton of damage, so be careful and save a heavy hitter for after she finishes burrowing, hopefully being able to knock her back.
A general strategy for fighting Miss Haka is to just bum-rush the base with fast attackers such as Giraffe Cat to wear down the enemy base before she gets to your base. Since she burrows infinitely, it will not be difficult to get fast units past her location and take out the base before too much damage can be done to your own.
Keep an eye out for the other Zombie enemies. Take too much time killing them and Miss Haka will get to your base, stop burrowing and really deal some damage. Good luck!
Chapter 3[]
Since only peons spawn until you kill a couple of them, you can allow your wallet to fill up rather full with a couple Worker Cat levels before having to actually fight anything. This works as long as you have the Cat Base health upgrades to handle damage from the peons and you don't spawn ANY units. Doing this can help to relieve pressure from the Ch.3 price increases.
Bring at least 3 meatshields to stop early peons and prepare attackers for the fight. The Zory will be burrowing past your frontline while Gravey and Mooth start to push ahead, separating your cats for a little bit. Having a cheap Zombie Killer like Lumbercat or Heavyweight Cat can help in this moment due to the even higher cost of summoning more expensive units in EoC Ch.3.
- In BCJP, this is the only Empire of Cats stage not to take place in one of the prefectures of Japan, since all 47 are already conquered in the previous stages. Instead, it takes place on the second-largest island in Okinawa Prefecture, 'Iriomote Island, the only place where Iriomote cats can be found.
- The base being a tree with a sign reading "embrace the wilderness" makes more sense in the context of Iriomote Island than the Moon, as the island is mostly unexplored and is 90% jungles and swamps.
- Iriomote Island is one of the two stages in the game to change background between chapters, the other being Dubai in Into the Future. In Chapters 1 and 3 it uses the dawn overworld background, while Chapter 2 takes place at night.
- The text on the Japanese version's base says "野生の底力" (yasei no sokojikara), meaning "underlying strength of the wild" or "underlying strength of the wilderness".
- It is the only Empire of Cats stage whose enemy base in BCEN isn't taken from Kumanchu Royale, as instead it uses an English-localized version of Iriomote Island's base (a tree) from BCJP, leaving the original Moon base unused. In The Battle Cats POP!, however, the Moon stage uses a similar but shorter version of the one from Kumanchu Royale.
- It is the only Empire of Cats stage to play out differently in each chapter.