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Multiplanar Studios is the fourth stage in Spacetime Distortion. This stage is a remake of Multiversal Studios.


  • The enemy base here is a Doge Base.
  • 1 Inumusha spawns as the boss after 30 seconds900f.
  • 5 Zoges spawn after 16.67 seconds500f, delay 6.67~13.33 seconds200f~400f.
  • Infinite Zoges spawn after 60 seconds1,800f, delay 33.33~50 seconds1,000f~1,500f.
  • 5 Zrocos spawn after 100 seconds3,000f, delay 13.33~20 seconds400f~600f.
  • 5 Zrocos spawn after 200 seconds6,000f, delay 33.33~50 seconds1,000f~1,500f.
  • Infinite Crocos spawn after 66.67 seconds2,000f, delay 20~30 seconds600f~900f.
  • Infinite Those Guys spawn after 133.33 seconds4,000f, delay 20~30 seconds600f~900f.
  • 1 Zory spawns after 66.67 seconds2,000f.
  • 1 Zir Zeal spawns after 133.33 seconds4,000f.
  • 1 Zang Roo spawns after 200 seconds6,000f.
  • 2 Zories spawn after 266.67 seconds8,000f, delay 3.33~5 seconds100f~150f.
  • 2 Zir Zeals spawn after 400 seconds12,000f, delay 1.67~3.33 seconds50f~100f.
  • 2 Zang Roos spawn after 533.33 seconds16,000f, delay 1.67~3.33 seconds50f~100f.
  • Infinite Aku Doges spawn after 40 seconds1,200f, delay 119.33~120 seconds3,580f~3,600f.
  • 2 Aku Doges spawn after 40.67 seconds1,220f, delay 119.33~120 seconds3,580f~3,600f.
  • 2 Aku Doges spawn after 41.67 seconds1,250f, delay 119.33~120 seconds3,580f~3,600f.
  • Infinite Aku Doges spawn after 80 seconds2,400f, delay 119.33~120 seconds3,580f~3,600f.
  • 2 Aku Doges spawn after 80.67 seconds2,420f, delay 119.33~120 seconds3,580f~3,600f.
  • Infinite Aku Doges spawn after 120 seconds3,600f, delay 119.33~120 seconds3,580f~3,600f.


This stage can easily be rushed with the help of Jellycat, Cadaver BearCat and Bullet Train Cat, with Octopus Cat to block the base's wave attacks and Awakened Bahamut Cat to rush the base down. An example of this strategy is provided in the video below.


Video Player Notes

11 star difficulty stage

Yohane Rush Strategy


  • Multiplanar means of or pertaining to multiple planes. Given the context, these would presumably be The Aku Realms and the normal world.

