Battle Cats Wiki

New York is the 43rd stage in Into the Future and introduces a new alien enemy to the chapters, Elizabeth the LVIth (56th).

The next stage is NASA.

The previous stage is Greenland. Template:MainChapters Stage Info


Doge, Snache and Those Guys spawn as peons from the start.

B.B.Bunny, Squire Rel and Shibalien appear as support for the boss.

Elizabeth the LVIth appears as the boss with a shockwave when she spawns.

For Chapter 3, Metal Doge is added as extra support to the boss. The rest of the fight remains unchanged except for magnified enemies.


This stage is more time consuming than difficult as Elizabeth the LVIth is more of a massive tank and less of a wave breaker, kind of like a reverse Kory(more health and less damage, robot crown instead of a caveman hammer, etc).

Still, you should be prepared to deal with plenty of Peons and the Queen herself. Meatshields are worth less than normal in this stage as Queen Pig will just chew through them anyway. Rover Cat and Wall Cat are enough for this stage in chapter 1. Artist Cat or Thor Cat will help if you own them as dps is quite good and they can be subbed in for Wall Cat.

If you have Octopus Cat bring him along, he makes this Battle much easier.

Even with very few rare cats the stage will be doable in chapter 1, it will just be time consuming...

Chapter 3 adds Metal Doge as extra support for Elizabeth. Just having fast attackers will take him out with little trouble so it's not particularly necessary to have a critical hitter here but they certainly help.

Strategy 1

You probably won't have any Rare Cat true forms at this point. (Some people might get them as early as Chapter 1 Moon ITF.) In any case, just use Mythical Titan/Jamiera against the pig, Elizabeth the LVIth. Make sure you have all of your treasures from Empire of Cats. Also make sure you have as many anti-alien treasures as you can. It is also useful to get True Forms of Rocker Cat and Viking Cat but it is possible with Artist Cat and Thor Cat. Add Chill Cat if you have it or you can use Solar Cat.

Strategy 2 (ft octopus cat)

You can do this strat no gacha, (except octopus cat).

Lineup: At least 2 heavy hitters, 5 meatshields, Octupus cat, 2 mid ranged attackers/critical hitters.

Save up a bit of money, then start putting out a few octopus cats along with the crazed meatshields. When the boss comes out spam everything you can and slowly knock her back.If the peons get in the way start spawning in your mid ranged attackers.

It may take a while but you will slowly whittle down her health and slowly but surely, win the level.

Zombie Outbreak

Chapter 1

Those Guys, Zoge and Znache appear as peons early and often.

Shibalien and B.B.Bunny show up as support as you start killing off peons.

Zigge and Elizabeth the LVIth appear with a boss shockwave when you hit the base.


Very similar strategy to the main levels, any of the above techniques can be applied to this Zombie stage. The main difference here is that zombie peons will try to threaten you by burrowing and Zigge will go behind your meatshields and stomp on your ranged attackers.

Elizabeth the LVIth is still a large threat here so having a wave blocker or something to freeze/weaken aliens with is a huge boost to your survivability.

Prepare by having a couple of Zombie Killers when possible and saving those heavy hitting zombie killers for when Zigge spawns so you aren't caught without back up for your Paris/Dragon Cats.

Chapter 2

Those Guys, Zoge and Znache appear early and often as peons.

Shibalien and B.B. Bunny appear as support once some peons have been killed.

Zigge and 2 Elizabeth the LVIth appear with a boss shockwave when you hit the base. More Zigge will spawn as the fight continues.


Identical stage to chapter one but you're dealing with 2 alien pig queens instead of the one. This of course doubles the enemy's damage output so be prepared for a slug fest.

The peons give plenty of cash so bring a wave blocker and some weaken/freeze effects for the boss duo and you'll be done in no time. Bring zombie killers as always because the constant stream of zombie peons will need at least some attention paid to them.

Zigge does some good damage and doesn't give much cash so just keep an eye out and try to remove him ASAP so you can get back to the real fight.

Chapter 3

Zoge and Znache, appear as peons, followed by Those Guys and B.B.Bunny.

When the enemy base is below 90% health:

2 Elizabeth the LVIth appear, 40 seconds in between.

3 Li'l Zyclones appear, 30 seconds in between.

Shibalien spawns as an additional peon.


W.I.P but prepare for the stage just like chapter 2. They may add additional enemies but shockwaves seem to be a constant theme in this stage.

