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Template:EnemiesAppearing Oncoming Storm (Insane) is the 7th Cyclone Stage. It appears every Tuesday. Upon completion, players have a 40% chance to unlock Catornado. This is a No Continues stage.


  • 10 Those Guys spawn after 10 seconds300f, delay 5~10 seconds150f~300f.
  • 5 Those Guys spawn after 16.67 seconds500f, delay 8.33~16.67 seconds250f~500f.
  • 1 The Perfect Cyclone spawns as the boss after 30 seconds900f.
  • Infinite Those Guys spawn after 50 seconds1,500f, delay 13.33~26.67 seconds400f~800f.
  • 10 Trolly Bloggers spawn after 66.67 seconds2,000f, delay 10~20 seconds300f~600f.
  • Infinite Trolly Bloggers spawn after 100 seconds3,000f, delay 26.67~53.33 seconds800f~1,600f.
  • Infinite Doge Darks spawn after 133.33 seconds4,000f, delay 66.67~200 seconds2,000f~6,000f.
  • Infinite Trolly Bloggers spawn after 166.67 seconds5,000f, delay 40~80 seconds1,200f~2,400f.
  • Infinite Doge Darks spawn after 200 seconds6,000f, delay 100~200 seconds3,000f~6,000f.


If the player has Sadako Cat at level 25 or higher, that's enough for an almost guaranteed victory over The Perfect Cyclone. With its anti-Floating Resistant and Weaken abilities, Sadako Cat can easily be spammed and stacked to infiltrate The Perfect Cyclone's blind spot and prevent it from advancing. When the Cyclone is weakened, you can spawn in tanky units such as the dual Titans to finish the job.

Try to defeat the Cyclone as fast as you can due to the late Doge Darks, which can destroy your Sadako Cats. It is recommended to bring unit defense up and unit speed up combos.

Recommended Ubers[]

Bulky Melee Uber/Tanker - They'll rush up into The Perfect Cyclone's blindspot and effectively crush it with ease. Also, with their HP, they'll be able to withstand a few hits from the Doge Darks while dealing damage to kill them, though be wary of the Trolly Bloggers and Doge Darks. Divine Kai is the greatest choice out of all the melee Ubers, as not only does she have the standard melee Uber capabilities, but also resistance to Floating and knockback immunity, effectively being the perfect unit for this stage. Cats in the Cradle are another decent example, but you'll need to be wary of the peons (and CitC's knockback) for them to be effective.

Rusher-class Ubers - They can blitz to Perfect Cyclone's blindspot like bulky melee ubers, but it's harder to get them to shine on here, as you'll need to be aware of the peons, and also some of them could just end up getting knocked back and dying before even getting to the blindspot. If you're going with one of these, make sure to have Sadako, as his weaken can make this much less likely to happen.

Balalan Pasalan - Very effective on this stage, especially in True Form. It can freeze the boss, allowing more time for cats to get in its blind spot. Piccolan Pasalan's 6-second weaken makes it a lot easier for other cats to get there, to the point where even Crazed Tank can manage to squeeze its way in.

Lufalan Pasalan - He is one of the few ubers that can deal huge damage to The Perfect Cyclone while remaining far enough to be safe from its strikes, without having to enter its blind spot. Beware of the peons especially when using him, as Lufalan Pasalan is a single-target attacker.

Super Galaxy Cosmo - Just like Lufalan Pasalan, he can snipe Perfect Cyclone from a far distance. Although doesn’t provide as much damage as the choice above, he can destroy the peons as well thanks to his Area Attack. At good levels he may even surpass Lufalan in power due to his advantage against Floating enemy.

Strategy 1 (Cheese)[]

Lineup: Eye of the Storm, Crazed Sexy Legs Cat, Crazed Giraffe Cat, Crazed M. Titan Cat 20+, Awakened Bahamut Cat 30

Cannon: Default

Items: Rich Cat

Notes: Normal Cannon works, but Breakerblast or Thunderbolt makes it much easier to time A. Bahamut. Sniper the Cat is optional

The main goal of the strategy is to take the advantage of how The Perfect Cyclone is a boss, and bosses can't be knocked back behind the enemy base. Therefore, the player needs to keep The Perfect Cyclone as close to the enemy base as possible. To do so, player needs to send a Crazed Sexy Legs at the start, followed by Crazed M. Titan.

If using the Normal Cannon, remember to save Cat Cannon until the Perfect Cyclone is close enough to the Enemy Base. Then try to spawn Awakened Bahamut and fire the Cat Cannon at similar times. Bahamut should be around half-way across the field (tried and tested).

If using Breakerblast, send out A. Bahamut, and as soon as he is about to enter Perfect Cyclone's range, fire the Breakerblast Cannon. The knockback effect will prevent The Perfect Cyclone from attacking and allow A. Bahamut to get into its blind spot. After that, you can keep spamming Crazed M. Titans and other cats to hold the Cyclone in place.

This step involves some timing skills. Anyway, if the player has succeeded, A. Bahamut will stay in range of The Perfect Cyclone and kill it before Trolly Blogger appears.

Strategy 2 (No Sadako)[]

Lineup: Unit Defense UP Combos (e.g., Eye of the Storm), Crazed M. Titan Cat (30); any fast cats that can clear out stray peons, such as Express Cat.

Jamiera Cat shouldn't be used here, as his knockback ability will put Crazed M. Titan in the effective range of the Perfect Cyclone. The main goal is to let Crazed M. Titan Cat advances to the Perfect Cyclone until he's out of the Cyclone's effective range (<250), stack Crazed M. Titans and some fast cats if possible, and The Perfect Cyclone will die after a few minutes.

Strategy 3 (With Sadako)[]

Lineup: Eraser Cat 20+10, Crazed Wall Cat 17, Crazed Macho Cat 10, Ramen Cat 30, Sadako Cat 30, Hacker Cat 15

Cannon: Default

Items: Rich Cat

Notes: Before you attempt this strategy, make sure you have at least all Empire of Cats Superior Treasures and at least 1 maxed-out Sky Fruit from any Into the Future chapter. Sniper the Cat is optional

Wait until your wallet is full. Then, send out Hacker Cat along with Sadako Cat and meatshields. When The Perfect Cyclone appears, your meatshields should be able to stall it while Sadako can get into Perfect Cyclone's hitbox. Because of its Resistance to Floating enemies, Sadako can tank a lot of hits from Perfect Cyclone. Keep stacking up Sadako Cats to quickly deplete Perfect Cyclone's health. As for the Trolly Bloggers, Hacker Cat will deal with them with his long-ranged attacks. Occasionally, Doge Darks may appear. If they push too hard, lure them to your base and quickly kill them with Ramen and Sadako. After a while, The Perfect Cyclone will perish and you beat the level. Enjoy your new Catornado!

Strategy 4 (Festival Missions)[]

This strategy is built around the “Clear ‘Red Sky at Morning with first forms only” mission.

Cannon: Thunderbolt 4+

Items: Rich Cat

Notes: Thunderbolt is used to time an Uber with fast speed into the blindspot (Sanda Yukimara was used in the testing of this), however, doing this Uber less is also possible.

Lineup: Kotatsu Cat (30+), Express Cat (25+), Nerd Cat (30+), maybe an Uber with fast speed.

The first 5 slots should be used for combos for Attack up, Defense up or Unit Speed.

When the battle starts, immediately send out Express. Never stop sending them out. Kotatsu cat should also be spammed throughout. Express is your main source of damage and you must stack up as many as you can before the cyclone spawns, as they will blitz to it’s blindspot and also help with Trolly Bloggers.

When the cyclone spawns, do not panic. If your cats are levelled, none of them will immediately die and will all walk into the blindspot, pinning the cyclone close to the base. Spawn Nerd Cat and continue spamming.

If you brought a rusher Uber, make sure your cannon is fully charged and the cyclone is weakened so your Uber has the best chance of hitting the Cyclone. When you’re ready, send out the Uber, wait until they are 3/4 of the battle field to the Cyclone, then use the Thunderbolt to freeze the Cyclone and let them blitz to that sweet blindspot and hit them for extra damage. This should work if the cyclone is close to the enemy base. The cyclone will most likely die in a minute or so, depending on your cats levels. Once it’s dead, you’ll hit the base and get your sweet victory and 3 legend catseyes!


Video Player Notes

The Battle Cats - Oncoming Storm easy speed method

Nurse Wuffa Sadako Cat method



  • Oncoming Storm is the first stage with the No Continues restriction.
  • "Red Sky at Morning" is the first line of a well-known ancient rhyme that predicts the weather: Red sky at morning, shepherd's/sailor's warning. Red sky at night, shepherd's/sailor's delight.
    • Another suitable reference (in agreement with The Battle Cats universe) would be chapter 303 of Gantz, where the main protagonist Kei Kurono wakes up, seeing a red sky as a sign of the oncoming apocalypse.

