Battle Cats Wiki

Online Dating! is the fourth stage in Love is Sickness.


  • Infinite Doges spawn, delay 4~16 seconds120f~480f.
  • 5 Pigges spawn after 8 seconds240f, delay 10~40 seconds300f~1,200f.
  • Infinite Those Guys spawn, delay 0.07~4 seconds2f~120f.
  • 5 Doge Darks spawn after 20 seconds600f, delay 20~30 seconds600f~900f.
  • When the base reaches 99% HP:


Bring anti-Red and anti-Black units to counter this stage. Samurai Doggy is 3x stronger than One Horn, and can knockback all your cats, so beware. Don't use units like Titan Cat, as it will get knockbacked before it could land an attack. Use ranged units like Dragon Cats, or Crazed Bahamut Cat, which will both be able to gradually chip Samurai Doggy down.

