This is a very weak enemy, intended for rewards stages. In fact, you could make a good case for this being one of the the weakest enemies in the entire game, not only for its HP, but for its attack power, attack speed and the lack of movement. Take note that this is a Metal enemy.
This enemy has always appeared at 100% strength magnification.
Turn the animation on and off using the switch in the upper left. Clicking the viewer background enables scrolling and zooming with the mouse if on desktop. Note that browser zoom may cause issues with scrolling and zooming. A list of available backgrounds can be found here. For more info on usage, see here.
Package Doge's spritesheet
Package Doge, Sunrise Doge and Ritual Drum Doge are the only stationary enemies in the game, due to the lack of movement speed.
This enemy is a reference to the company Amazon, since the box has the word "wamazon" on the side of it.