Battle Cats Wiki

Parade of the Dead (Deadly) is an Advent Stage appearing on the 3rd, 4th, 17th, and 18th of every month. When clearing this stage, there is a chance to unlock Curling Cat. This is a No Continues stage. In The Battle Cats Unite!, it is unlocked once clearing Floor 10 of the Heavenly Tower.


  • 1 Daboo of the Dead spawns as the boss after 10 seconds300f.
  • 5 Zrocos spawn after 30 seconds900f, delay 20~30 seconds600f~900f.
  • Infinite Zrocos spawn after 166.67 seconds5,000f, delay 40~60 seconds1,200f~1,800f.
  • 3 Gabriels spawn after 50 seconds1,500f, delay 1.67~3.33 seconds50f~100f.
  • 2 Heavenly Hippoes spawn after 53.33 seconds1,600f, delay 3.33~5 seconds100f~150f.
  • 3 Znaches spawn after 110 seconds3,300f, delay 1.67~3.33 seconds50f~100f.
  • 1 Zory spawns after 116.67 seconds3,500f.
  • 3 Heavenly Hippoes spawn after 170 seconds5,100f, delay 3.33~6.67 seconds100f~200f.
  • 1 Angelic Gory spawns after 173.33 seconds5,200f.
  • 2 Zories spawn after 230 seconds6,900f, delay 3.33~5 seconds100f~150f.
  • 1 Zir Zeal spawns after 233.33 seconds7,000f.
  • Infinite Gabriels spawn after 290 seconds8,700f, delay 120~121.67 seconds3,600f~3,650f.
  • Infinite Gabriels spawn after 291.67 seconds8,750f, delay 120~121.67 seconds3,600f~3,650f.
  • Infinite Gabriels spawn after 293.33 seconds8,800f, delay 120~121.67 seconds3,600f~3,650f.
  • Infinite Heavenly Hippoes spawn after 293.33 seconds8,800f, delay 120~121.67 seconds3,600f~3,650f.
  • Infinite Heavenly Hippoes spawn after 296.67 seconds8,900f, delay 120~121.67 seconds3,600f~3,650f.
  • Infinite Znaches spawn after 350 seconds10,500f, delay 120~121.67 seconds3,600f~3,650f.
  • Infinite Znaches spawn after 351.67 seconds10,550f, delay 120~121.67 seconds3,600f~3,650f.
  • Infinite Znaches spawn after 353.33 seconds10,600f, delay 120~121.67 seconds3,600f~3,650f.
  • Infinite Zories spawn after 353.33 seconds10,600f, delay 120~121.67 seconds3,600f~3,650f.


Overall tanky units are highly recommended for this level. Anti-Zombie and Anti-Angel with Massive Damage/Strong/Resistant/Insanely Tough abilities are highly recommended. The goal is to make your way past the waves of Angel and Zombie support, and then make your way past Daboo from there. Shigong Cat practically makes this stage free, although you will need to use Awakened Bahamut on the Angel waves; after that the spam slows down and you practically have a free win. Dual Titans, Can Can and Manic Island all can help a lot both stalling and dealing damage to Daboo; others are Cameraman Cat at a high level for her ability to survive a lethal strike and Pizza Cat for his good survivability and DPS.

As for tanky meatshields, common choices are Ramen Cat and/or Shigong Cat. Both can be good at tanking and dealing some good DPS to Daboo, but due to their long recharge time you may have to use some research combos like Bony Bone or Biohazard to be able to spawn them faster. Since Daboo of the Dead is immune to Knockback, Freeze, Slow and Weaken, units that can apply debuffs will not be enough to stop his advance, but they could still help against the support Zombies and Angels. Because of this and Daboo's disgustingly long Omni-strike, it's not recommended that you bring cheap, low-health support against him as most of the common debuffers just walk into Daboo's range, get one hit off, and die.

Recommended Ubers[]

The following Uber Rares are good for this stage. If you have any of these, using them will make things easier:

  • CAT-6 Siege Engine/CAT-8 Behemoth: Resilient to Daboo's attacks, allowing them to slowly whittle Daboo down while also clearing or weakening Zombie peons. Can also act as a stalling unit considering Daboo's massive range.
  • Mighty Aethur Ltd./Ultra Atlantis Logistix: Insane damage against Zombies and easily replaceable with cheap cost and short cooldown. True Form improves survivability with Survive and Dodge allowing them to completely negate any hits.
  • Cats in the Cradle: Tanky, cheap and very effective on shredding Daboo's massive health pool as well as controlling the peon with their waves. The quick cooldown also allows them to keep up the pressure without leaving you struggling too long.
  • B.C.S Lionheart/Tigerclaw: Massive damage against Zombies while being strong enough to brave some of Daboo's hits. A very good pick who can put a huge dent in Daboo as well as clear out many of the other peons.
  • Sarukani: Does it all, can tank a Daboo hit (32 and up, max COTC antimatter fruit treasures), clears out lesser Zombies effectively, strong against both Zombies and Angels, allowing him to take care of both without much struggle, and can be sent out constantly to wear down Daboo. While he won't carry you entirely, Sarukani can definitely help a lot here.
  • Seashore Kai: Very tanky against Zombies with a quick recharge. Seashore Kai can help out on the frontlines, stalling Daboo while dealing respectable damage. While she might not take him out and needs support against Angels, she can be a great help giving you more time to breathe.
  • Mighty Aegis Garu: With his Resistance to all traited enemies, he can tank several Daboo hits before dying, and with the added bonus of zombie killer, this UBERFEST exclusive can really shine.
  • Bliza: Having 200,000 effective health against Zombies, Omni-strike as well as immunity to slow, they can help take out peons that burrow underneath your frontline, as well as tank hits from Daboo to stop him from advancing.
  • Balrog Cat: Balrog is already amazing against Daboo as is, but with talents and hyper/ultramaxing, it can unironically solo the entire stage with CatCombos and timing Sniper The Cat.
  • High School Kingpin Riki: A lot of strategies require Defense combos, and since Riki provides a 1 slot Defense S combo, he's going to be good.
  • Kalisa, type X: Premiere A. Bahamut replacement for this stage, being lvl 30, she can withstand 1 hit from Daboo and quickly shred through angel waves to greatly lower this stage`s push potential.

Strategy 1[]

Lineup: Manic Jamiera Cat 30, Jamiera Cat 20+50, Manic Island Cat 30, Ramen Cat, Awakened Bahamut Cat 30

Items: Rich Cat and Sniper the Cat


  • The first four slots are dedicated to defense combos.
  • If you use Moby Dick as one of your Unit Defense combos, you can fit an extra unit in as Manic Island is in the combo; suggested units are either Shigong Cat or an Uber.

Start the battle with Manic Island, spawn one whenever possible. When you have enough money, spawn 2 Jamiera Cats. Spawn some Ramen Cats occasionally. When the Heavenly Hippoes appear, wait until they are on the frontline, then spawn Awakened Bahamut and only spawn him when there are Angels on the field. Do the same formation after the Angels die, Manic Islands act as blockades and will deal with burrowing Zombies. Occasional Ramen Cats will help blocking both Angels and Daboo, Jamiera Cat and Manic Jamiera will do most of the damage here. When Daboo is defeated, spawn Awakened Bahamut and hope that the Cats at the frontline can knock the enemy base down.

Strategy 2 (No Manics Required)[]

Lineup: Biohazard, Bony Bone, Brave Cutter, Shigong Cat, Ramen Cat 34, Castaway Cat 30+, Dancing Flasher Cat 30+, Awakened Bahamut Cat

Cannon: Holy Blast

Items: Rich Cat and Sniper the Cat


  • If you have Cheating Heart?, Kimono Champs or Bad Guys, use one of those instead of the listed research combo.
  • Brave Cutter can be replaced by any 2-slot Defense combo.
  • Regular cannon can substitute for Holy Blast.

Spawn Crazed Cat/Hyper/Super Mr. to stall Daboo from the start of the stage. As soon as Daboo spawns, spawn your Meatshields and Attackers, and stop spawning rushers. (Do not spawn combo units besides your stall unit for the start of the stage) Keep spamming those cats until the Angelic Gory + Angelic Hippoe wave spawns, summon Awakened Bahamut to defeat the Gory and Hippoes once they stack up, save your Cat Cannon for here to stall/reset Daboos attack. When the Zir Zeal arrives, use your cannon here as well to prevent its burrow (Or just fire Holy Blast once he is/has burrowed). Summon Awakened Bahamut once more for the denser Angel waves later on in the stage, and eventually Daboo will die allowing you to destroy the base.

Strategy 3 (No Manics Required)[]

Lineup: Cap'n Ahab, Moby Dick, Shigong Cat 30, Ramen Cat 45, Can Can Cat (Max Speed Up), Crazed M. Titan Cat 30, Awakened Bahamut Cat 30

Cannon: Default

Items: Rich Cat and Sniper the Cat


  • Cannon can also be Holy Blast.
  • The empty slots can be used for any 2-slot combo that gives research up such as Bony Bone or Cheating Heart.
  • Crazed Mythical Titan Cat can be replaced with Jamiera if at least level 40.
  • An alternative for Ramen is to be at level 36+ with max HP up talent so he can survive a hit from Daboo of the Dead.

Stage progression and other non-notes: If possible at any time, send out your Jamiera / Crazed M. Titan Cat so that it walks right into Daboo’s omnistrike range a second or two after he attacks so that Titan can attack for as long as possible before being hit twice and dying. However, if Titan has gotten hit once turn off Sniper the Cat as the knockback will cause Daboo to be out of Titan's range and he won’t be able to get any more hits in because of Daboo’s slow. Same goes for cancan although it is not as important to time perfectly or turn off sniper, as long as it gets one or two hits in, as it is relatively cheap and has a much longer attack frequency than Titan. If you are getting pushed by daboo and he gets near your base and you have excess money then you can spam whales/island if you have good levels on them, as they deal pretty good damage but this is a big money drain and is hard to sustain for very long.

Main Guide: Start with Can Can Cat to stall Daboo and start spamming Ramen Cat and Shigong cat , if ramen's level is below 45, if 45+ then only spam Ramen for the start as it will be able to survive one attack from Daboo. Wait until the first Angel wave is killed by Can Can and Ramen then start spamming Shigong along with your attackers until the first zombie wave comes and is defeated. At this point you should have enough money built up so you can keep spamming Ramen, Shigong, and Can Can Cat for a while, but when the second Angel wave comes stop spamming Shigong until they are all dead then spam Shigong before the 2nd zombie wave and most the important part, killing Zir Zeal. When Zir Zeal spawns, wait until they're mostly alone and Daboo has just attacked and spawn A. Bahamut. If done correctly, it should be able to kill Zir Zeal and deal a lot of damage to Daboo and at that point if you’ve been using Titan and Can Can Cat well, then Daboo should die before another Angel wave can arrive. Just keep spamming units in the bottom row and you should win!

Strategy 4 (Catnip Challenges)[]

This strategy is built around the "Clear "Dead on Debut" 1 times using 8 or more Special Cats" mission.

Lineup: Biohazard, Feel the Dance, Shigong Cat, Li'l Flying Cat, Awakened Bahamut Cat

Cannon: Holy Blast

Items: Rich Cat and Sniper the Cat


  • The empty slots can be dedicated to two Special meatshields (such as Catburger and Coin Cat).
  • Regular Cat Cannon can work.

As long as you have a high level Shigong / Can Can / Awakened Bahamut, you should be able to beat this the first time out. Spam Shigong cats the entire time. Spam Li'l Flying Cat whenever there are no Angels on the board. Spam Can Can cats whenever there are Angels on the board. Spawn Awakened Bahamut only to kill Heavenly Hippos and Angelic Gory. Only use non-Shigong meatshields if the Heavenly Hippoes push your front-line outside of Daboo's range.


Video Player Notes

Parade of the Dead 10.1 Cheese Strat Compilation

tAdPole Many different cheese methods

The Battle Cats - Parade of the Dead (Deadly)

Nurse Wuffa


