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Pasta Desert is the fifth stage in Here Be Dragons. This stage is a remake of Tapas Desert.


  • Infinite Relic Doges spawn after 10 seconds300f, delay 10~20 seconds300f~600f.
  • Infinite Snaches spawn, delay 3~20 seconds90f~600f.
  • Infinite Those Guys spawn after 40 seconds1,200f, delay 3~20 seconds90f~600f.
  • When the base reaches 99% HP:
    • 1 Master A. spawns as the boss.
    • Infinite Those Guys spawn, delay 0.67~1.33 seconds20f~40f.
    • Infinite Zrocos spawn, delay 6.67~13.33 seconds200f~400f.


Strategy 1[]

Use Cyberpunk Cat to chip down Master A. while Cameraman Cat and a Zombie Killer/anti-Zombie cat like Li'l Flying Cat, Cadaver BearCat or Housewife Cat take out the Zrocos. Any ultra long-ranged Uber (Radiant Aphrodite, Super Galaxy Cosmo, etc.) is useful for damaging Master A. too. If you don't have a lot of good Ubers for this stage, use Awakened Mina and/or Schoolbus Nyandam, along with Slapstick Cats. Golfer Cat can also work, but this requires the Zrocos to stay alive long enough so they don't move forward into Master A's range.

Strategy 2 (3 Crowns)[]

Lineup: Eraser Cat 20+90, Manic Eraser Cat 50, Boulder Cat 30+, Slime Cat 50, Macho Crystal Cat 30+, Housewife Cat 50, Pizza Cat (Wave Talent maxed) 50, Cat Mask Doron 40, Masked Grandmaster Cat 40, Cyberpunk Cat (Slow Talent maxed, Survives recommended) 40+

Items: Sniper the Cat


  • Sniper the Cat can help push Master A. back slightly on occasion, but it is not necessary.
  • Cat Mask Doron is not necessary, but the chip damage can help significantly. On the other hand, it's recommended to take Hermit Cat's True Form due to the increased health and lower cooldown. You may want to choose a different option for non-True Form Hermit Cat. Zombie Killing the Zrocos here is not really necessary, especially considering recently-revived ones often serve as stepping stones for wavers like Slime Cat.

This stage becomes nasty 3-Crowned, as the Zrocos become powerful enough to take out most backliners in one or two hits, not to mention Master A. pushing with more than 29000 damage per hit. Only the longest ranged backliners remain safe, so Cyberpunk is used, especially by virtue of his useful slow. Stall to max Worker Cat at the beginning of the battle, using Slime Cat and Cyberpunk to stall. Ideally, you should have at least half of Cyberpunk's cooldown completed and maximum cash in the wallet when the base is hit. The battle itself is relatively simple, save for the timing necessary to slip Macho Crystal Cat in and get some more space in the battlefield. Boulder Cat is used as a safeguard against burrowing Zrocos and Master A. The enemy peons should give enough cash to sustain your strategy, save if you haphazardly deploy everything constantly.

Strategy 3 (4 Crowns)[]

Lineup: Sister Act, Li'l Eraser Cat 50, Cameraman Cat 45, Schoolbus Nyandam, Awakened Musashi, Urs & Minka 40, Awakened Ururun 40

Items: Cat CPU


Spawn three Cameramans and Li'l Erasers, then spawn Schoobus Nyandam and start spamming Li'l Erasers and Cameramans. When you get close to the enemy base, start spawning your Legends. When you'll have over 6,000¢ turn on Cat CPU and wait.

Strategy 4 (All Crowns)[]

Lineup: Little Warriors, Haniwa Cat 50, Li'l Eraser Cat 50+29, Ramen Cat 50+26, Jellycat 50, Cameraman Cat 50+24, Macho Crystal Cat, Cadaver BearCat 50, Green Shell Cat 50, Cat God the Golden, Awakened Bahamut Cat 50

Cannon: Thunderbolt

Items: Rich Cat, Sniper Cat


  • Lower levels can be acceptable for 1 Crown.
  • This strategy has been tested on 3 Crowns.
  • Items aren't necessary, but could prove helpful.
  • Ramen Cat has the Defense Buff talent.
  • Cameraman Cat has the Critical, Survivor MAX, and Attack Buff MAX talents.
  • Li'l Eraser Cat has the Defense Buff MAX talent.

This strategy can take a very long time to do, and can be quite stressful to do, and is also not really recommended for 3 Crown, but does still work.

Use the beginning to garner as much money as possible. Once you have max wallet, push to the base, but do not spam, as you want to immediately start luring.

You will want to use your meatshields and attackers to keep the other enemies off your base until Master A. gets closer. Once Master A. is close to your base, start spamming all your spammable units (except Cadaver BearCat). From here, you will want to remember a few things. In bold are the most important things to remember.

  • Timing Macho Crystal Cat is very important. Only send out Macho Crystal Cat when you are confident that Macho Crystal Cat will hit Master A. (usually after Jellycat or Cat God the Golden attacks)
  • If Master A. is slowed, stop sending out Ramen Cat, as your stack of Cameraman Cats, Li'l Eraser Cats, and Haniwa Cats as well as an occasional Green Shell Cat can keep them off of you. This is important to preserve money.
  • Only send out Cadaver BearCat when a Zroco uses their burrow.
  • Cat God the Golden is a one (maybe twice) time knockback for the entire field. You will want to spawn him in when a Zroco unburrows close to your base.
  • Awakened Bahamut Cat is a way to burst down Master A.'s health a bit faster. Only use them when paired with the Thunderbolt.

Eventually, you should be able to whittle down Master A.'s health down, perhaps with a close call. Once you do, you win.


  • Pasta Desert is an anagram of Tapas Desert, the stage this is a remake of.
  • Pasta Desert currently has the strongest Master A. in the game.

