Battle Cats Wiki

Princess Punt Has Arrived! (Expert) is the third and final stage in Princess Punt.



Even though this stage seems menacing at first glance, it is not a big deal. You can try and lure Kerihime to your side of the base and then spawn your fast/tanky units to quickly dispatch of her, as she only has 24K health. Do be aware that you are timed in this stage, so you can't take too long otherwise Assassin Bears will be spawned.

Strategy 1[]

Works for all Crown difficulties.

Lineup: Jiangshi Cat, Awakened Bahamut Cat

Notes: Jiangshi Cat's Move Speed Up Talent must be at a high level.

Lure Kerihime very close to the base and spawn Jiangshi Cat in time so she does not hit the base. Stall Kerihime by deploying Jiangshi Cat one at a time after each one of them dies. After earning sufficient cents, make sure there is at least one surviving Jiangshi Cat near Kerihime before summoning Bahamut Cat to serve as a protection against the Li'l Gaus and prevent Bahamut Cat from taking damage. Start spamming Jiangshi Cats once Bahamut is out.

