Battle Cats Wiki
This feature is exclusive to the Japanese version of The Battle Cats but it may also appear in other versions such as BCTW and BCKR!

Proud and Strongest Couple! 【Superior】 is the third and final stage in MonHun Great Hunting Quest.


  • 1 Pigge spawns.
  • 5 Doges spawn after 6 seconds180f, delay 8~16 seconds240f~480f.
  • 5 Snaches spawn after 10 seconds300f, delay 10~20 seconds300f~600f.
  • 3 B.B.Bunnies spawn after 23.33 seconds700f, delay 26.67 seconds800f.
  • 3 B.B.Bunnies spawn after 26.67 seconds800f, delay 26.67 seconds800f.
  • 3 Gories spawn after 50 seconds1,500f, delay 40~60 seconds1,200f~1,800f.
  • When the base reaches 80% HP:
    • 1 Rathalos spawns as the boss.
    • 1 Rathian spawns as the boss.
    • Infinite Pigges spawn, delay 40~80 seconds1,200f~2,400f.
    • Infinite B.B.Bunnies spawn, delay 26.67~40 seconds800f~1,200f.
    • 3 Gory Blacks spawn, delay 100~133.33 seconds3,000f~4,000f.
    • Infinite Doge Darks spawn, delay 33.33~66.67 seconds1,000f~2,000f.
    • Infinite Doge Darks spawn, delay 33.33~66.67 seconds1,000f~2,000f.
    • 10 Snaches spawn, delay 0.07 seconds2f.
    • 10 Doges spawn, delay 0.07~0.13 seconds2f~4f.


While Rathian can be slowly killed by units with high range, it outranges a very large number of units. While it is not strong, its Strengthen ability will make it more annoying. You can choose to either tank it out or bring long range units such as Cyberpunk Cat.

