Battle Cats Wiki

Red Rectangle is the twelfth stage in Cats of the Cosmos. In The Battle Cats POP!, Tricycle Cat is obtainable in this stage.


Rarity: Only Normal, Special, Uber Rare and Legend Rare Units


Chapters 1 & 2[]

  • 2 B.B.Bunnies spawn after 6.67 seconds200f, delay 20 seconds600f.
  • Infinite Shibalien Elites spawn after 0.07 seconds2f, delay 23.33 seconds700f.
  • 2 Shibalien Elites spawn after 3.33 seconds100f, delay 16.67 seconds500f.
  • 3 Star Pengs spawn after 36.67 seconds1,100f, delay 26.67 seconds800f.
  • 2 Pigges spawn after 26.67 seconds800f, delay 10~16.67 seconds300f~500f.
  • 1 One Horn spawns after 30 seconds900f.
  • Infinite Ginger Snaches spawn after 35.33 seconds1,060f, delay 3.33~6.67 seconds100f~200f.
  • 10 Ginger Snaches spawn after 33.33 seconds1,000f, delay 3.33~6.67 seconds100f~200f.
  • 2 Imperator Saels spawn after 73.33 seconds2,200f, delay 6.67 seconds200f.
  • 1 Scissoroo spawns after 73.33 seconds2,200f.

Chapter 3[]

  • 10 Kroxos spawn after 3.33 seconds100f, delay 23.33~30 seconds700f~900f.
  • Infinite Squire Rels spawn after 1.33 seconds40f, delay 10~16.67 seconds300f~500f.
  • When the base reaches 99% HP:


This stage can be particularly difficult (relative to the stages leading up to it), given that the restriction disables many Cats with Warp Immunity like Rover Cat and Miter Saw Cat, and there is a rush of Starred Aliens that can easily push back the player's cats.

Chapters 1 & 2[]

This strategy should be doable with just Normal/Special Cats, and only the Treasures from before this level.

Strategy 1: Stalling for Awakened Bahamut Cat[]

Two 75 cent meatshields, Macho Leg Cat (30), Awakened Bahamut Cat (30), and Wall Cat are required to survive the start of the stage for this setup. The rest of the units can be replaced with special cats, ubers, or money related cat combos to handle the enemies after the initial Shibalien Elites and Star Peng. The listed lineup is meant to be a minimal setup for accessibility and may take multiple tries with these exact levels and units (higher normal cat levels or better units will improve consistency). For higher normal cat levels (20+30 or higher), refer to Strategy 2.

The goal is to stall the Shibalien Elites with Samba and Macho Cat until you have enough cash to send out Awakened Bahamut Cat. At the start, spam Macho and Samba Cats. When the first B.B. Bunny spawns, send one Macho Leg Cat. This should kill the B.B. Bunny for more cash and slow down the enemy pushing. Keep spamming Macho and Samba cats until you get enough money to send out Awakened Bahamut Cat. If you have around 4000 cash and the Shibalien Elites are very close to the Cat Base, stop sending Macho and Samba Cats to save up for Awakened Bahamut Cat (otherwise you won't have enough cash/base health).

The Shibalien Elites will push to the base but Bahamut will knock them back and use the cat base as a shield. After sending Bahamut, spam Macho, Samba, and Wall Cats to stall and give Bahamut more time to knock them back. The Shibalien Elites should be cleared after two or three attacks and you should have enough room and cash to send out your other expensive/powerful units (if you replaced any of the normal cats with them) and win.

For the lineup mentioned at the start, you need to spam your meatshields and send one Dragon and one Macho Leg Cat to damage the Ginger Snaches. Once the first Star Peng dies, you can send out Ururun Cat and multiple Macho Leg and Dragon Cats. When the One Horn gets around 60% of the base (roughly when the second Pigge dies), send out Whale Cat.

After this point, Bahamut is at risk of dying; try to keep Bahamut alive as long as possible. Use the Cat Cannon when the One Horn is close to attacking to stall longer. If you have excess cash (above 5000), you can send out Mythical Titan and UFO Cat. Ideally, Bahamut will survive up to the two Imperator Saels and heavily damage the Star Peng supporting the Saels.

From there, you need to keep sending out Macho Leg Cats to deal with the aliens and save cash for another Awakened Bahamut Cat. Ururun Cat, Dragon Cats, and Macho Leg Cats should deal with the remaining starred aliens and survive long enough to send a second Awakened Bahamut Cat. After you send out the second Awakened Bahamut Cat, you basically won the stage.

For this guide, if Bahamut dies before damaging the Star Peng supporting the Imperator Saels, you should force restart and try again. Refer to the walkthrough below for a video reference of this strategy.

Strategy 2: High normal cat level units[]

Let Shibalien Elite get 3/4 the way to your base, spawn King Dragon and Macho Legs, and start spamming your meatshields. When you get a chance, send out more of them alongside Jamiera Cats. This should let you push back a bit.

Your money should start to accumulate once you start taking down more enemies. At this point, you can spawn Bahamut. Keep spamming all other cats, and your cats should reach the enemy base.

Depending on the levels of your cats, expect the Cat Base to take some damage. The challenge is to time things right so that you don't take too much damage before you can get out enough cats to effectively overwhelm the Warpers.

Chapter 3[]

Strategy 1 (Rush)[]

Stall the Squire Rels with Erasers for money, then when the Kroxo comes near, start stacking up Jamieras and Islands. Be careful with your cash. You need enough money to send out A. Bahamut Cat as they hit the base. Watch as the stack gets warped behind, then start concentrating on saving up for Cat God the Awesome. Send him out when they get near the base and start spamming Mohawks and Erasers (and Ultimate Bondages) and fire your Breakerblast. As Cat God knocks the Bore and Mesocosmocyclone back, the enemy base should already be nearly destroyed. Close the app and reopen if Bahamut dies for whatever reason.

Strategy 2 (Alt Rush)[]

Stall the Squire Rels with Mohawk Cat. When the first Kroxo comes up, stall with Macho Legs. Once you have enough money, upgrading Worker Cat as high as neccessary, spam dual legs, dragons, and islands. Before everything reaches the base, send out Awakened Bahamut.

The stage, once the base gets hit, turns into a rush to kill the enemy base before the Bore and Mesocosmocyclone destroy yours. If your units are high enough level, you should do it with a medium margin for error.


Video Player Notes

The Battle Cats - Red Rectangle Chapter 1-2 minimum setup

Moshu Kyoi Strategy 1

The Battle Cats - Cats of the Cosmos Ch. 1 - Red Rectangle -

Rhine Shiro Strategy 2

Zombie Outbreak[]


Chapter 1[]

Max # of Deployable Cats: 15

Chapter 2[]

Max # of Deployable Cats: 10


Chapter 1[]

  • Infinite Shibalien Elites spawn after 3.33 seconds100f, delay 23.33 seconds700f.
  • 2 Shibalien Elites spawn after 3.33 seconds100f, delay 16.67 seconds500f.
  • 2 B.B.Bunnies spawn after 6.67 seconds200f, delay 20 seconds600f.
  • 1 Capy spawns after 20 seconds600f.
  • 10 Ginger Snaches spawn after 33.33 seconds1,000f, delay 3.33~6.67 seconds100f~200f.
  • 3 Star Pengs spawn after 36.67 seconds1,100f, delay 26.67 seconds800f.
  • Infinite Ginger Snaches spawn after 36.67 seconds1,100f, delay 3.33~6.67 seconds100f~200f.
  • 1 Zir Zeal spawns after 60 seconds1,800f.
  • 1 Zang Roo spawns after 60 seconds1,800f.

Chapter 2[]

  • Infinite Shibalien Elites spawn after 3.33 seconds100f, delay 26.67~33.33 seconds800f~1,000f.
  • 1 Znache spawns after 6.67 seconds200f.
  • 1 J.J. Jackrabbit spawns after 10 seconds300f.
  • 3 Star Pengs spawn after 36.67 seconds1,100f, delay 46.67 seconds1,400f.
  • 7 Znaches spawn after 40 seconds1,200f, delay 13.33~16.67 seconds400f~500f.
  • 1 Zang Roo spawns after 46.67 seconds1,400f.
  • 1 Zapy spawns after 73.33 seconds2,200f.
  • Infinite J.J. Jackrabbits spawn after 80 seconds2,400f, delay 26.67 seconds800f.


Chapter 1[]

Rush down the Capy with Courier Cat or other anti-reds and destroy the base with rushers before the zombie enemies turn into a problem.

Chapter 2[]

Rush down the base before any of the tougher enemies spawn.



  • The Red Rectangle is a real nebula, named for its colour and rectangular shape.

