Revenge of N-1 (Merciless) is the first stage in King Wahwah's Return. Completing this stage for the first time will yield a reward of 1,000,000 XP. This is a No Continues stage.
Rarity: Only Super Rare
- 1 King Wahwah spawns as the boss after 0.07 seconds2f.
- 6 Doge Darks spawn after 6.67 seconds200f, delay 20 seconds600f.
- 2 Shibaliens spawn after 26.67 seconds800f, delay 33.33 seconds1,000f.
- 1 Zoge spawns after 13.33 seconds400f.
- 1 Scissoroo spawns after 113.33 seconds3,400f.
- 1 Zang Roo spawns after 100 seconds3,000f.
- 3 Otta-smack-us spawn after 153.33 seconds4,600f, delay 16.67~23.33 seconds500f~700f.
- 1 Doge Dark spawns after 233.33 seconds7,000f.
- Infinite Doge Darks spawn after 236.67 seconds7,100f, delay 33.33~60 seconds1,000f~1,800f.
- 2 Zoges spawn after 233.33 seconds7,000f, delay 6.67~10 seconds200f~300f.
- 1 Shadow Boxer K spawns after 240 seconds7,200f.
- Infinite Squire Rels spawn after 40 seconds1,200f, delay 16.67~26.67 seconds500f~800f.
This stage is an exact copy of N-1 Grand Prix, though with a different restriction in place. The restriction, however, makes it ironically easier, as useful Super Rare units are much more accessible. Their disposability, combined with the generally weak peons, can easily brute force the stage.
Recommended Units:[]
- Maglev Cat/Bullet Train Cat and Fishman Cat for King Wahwah (be sure to rush the start with Maglev) to abuse his knockback.
- Manic Mohawk Cat and Manic Eraser Cat as meatshields.
- Manic Macho Legs and Cyberpunk Cat for chipping Wahwah.
- Manic Lion and Manic Island Cat for attacking Wahwah to exploit his high knockback count.
- Can Can Cat for large damage towards the Roos and sometimes Wahwah. Speed talent recommended to make it easier.
- Pizza Cat for the Shadow Boxer Ks.
- Seafarer Cat for the Scissoroos.
- Housewife Cat for the Zang Roos.