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Saturn is the fourth stage in Cats of the Cosmos. In The Battle Cats POP!, Skirt Cat is unlocked in this stage.


Cat Deploy Cost: Only 300¢ or more


Chapter 1 & 2[]

  • 5 One Horns spawn after 0.07 seconds2f, delay 3.33 seconds100f.
  • 5 Sir Seals spawn after 47.33 seconds1,420f, delay 100~101.67 seconds3,000f~3,050f.
  • 5 Sir Seals spawn after 49 seconds1,470f, delay 100~101.67 seconds3,000f~3,050f.
  • 5 Hyppohs spawn after 40 seconds1,200f, delay 100~101.67 seconds3,000f~3,050f.
  • Infinite Snaches spawn after 56.67 seconds1,700f, delay 10~16.67 seconds300f~500f.
  • 5 Pigges spawn after 40 seconds1,200f, delay 6.67 seconds200f.
  • 5 Pigges spawn after 41.67 seconds1,250f, delay 6.67 seconds200f.
  • 2 LeMurrs spawn after 10 seconds300f, delay 33.33 seconds1,000f.

Chapter 3[]

  • 5 One Horns spawn after 0.07 seconds2f, delay 6.67~13.33 seconds200f~400f.
  • 5 Sir Seals spawn after 47.33 seconds1,420f, delay 100~101.67 seconds3,000f~3,050f.
  • 5 Sir Seals spawn after 49 seconds1,470f, delay 100~101.67 seconds3,000f~3,050f.
  • 5 Shibalien Elites spawn after 40 seconds1,200f, delay 13.33~15 seconds400f~450f.
  • Infinite Snaches spawn after 56.67 seconds1,700f, delay 10~16.67 seconds300f~500f.
  • 5 Pigges spawn after 40 seconds1,200f, delay 6.67 seconds200f.
  • 5 Pigges spawn after 41.67 seconds1,250f, delay 6.67 seconds200f.
  • 2 LeMurrs spawn after 10 seconds300f, delay 33.33 seconds1,000f.


All the enemies have short enough range for Awakened Bahamut. to do most of the work. In every chapter, you can lure the first LeMurr close to the Cat Base and save up until you can summon A. Bahamut, then carefully time short-ranged cats like Dark Cat and Crazed Whale Cat so they get hit instead of Bahamut. Once LeMurr is dead, you can safely spam anti-Red and anti-Alien units like the aforementioned Dark Cat and Crazed Whale Cat, Crazed Brave Cat and Macho Leg Cat. Recommended Combos include those with Strong, Unit Attack or Starting Money effects.

Chapter 1[]

Just let the LeMurr attack the Cat Base first. Then, send out Bahamut Cat when you are ready. Immediately after that, spam Dark Cats and Artist Cats as meatshields. Artist Cat acts as a tanky support and Dark Cat chips down the first One Horn's health. When the first One Horn is killed, send out your attacking cats to kill the rest of the enemies.

Alternatively, spam Seafarer Cats, Dancing Flasher Cats, Paris Cats and Solar Cats.

Rover Cat Mk II and Ramen Cat can work as meatshields due to the fact that they are above the cost threshhold.

Chapter 2[]

This stage can be unexpectedly difficult compared to preceding and following stages due to the much stronger enemies and limitations on usual meatshields.

Recommendation is to use level 30 Chill Cat and Seafarer Cat, in addition to high-leveled (25-30) Crazed Brave Cat and Crazed Whale Cat. Bringing along Island Cat to add the Sunbathers Combo is also very useful (having a level 2 Worker Cat seems to be sufficient for the level). These can be exclusively used to get past the initial LeMurr and One Horns, after which there should be plenty of cash to spawn Awakened Bahamut plus some other anti-Alien/anti-Red Uber Rares for good measure.

Chapter 3[]

Strategy 1[]

Lineup: Rover Cat Mk II, Maximum the Fighter, Seafarer Cat, Can Can Cat, iCat, Luxury Bath Cat, fill your remaining slots with units of your choice

Once you manage to survive the first onslaught, the battle is easy. Don't upgrade Worker Cat. Wait for the LeMurr to to pass the One Horn and spawn Rover Cat Mk II, Seafarer Cat and Can Can Cat. Keep spamming Rover Cat Mk II for the rest of the battle. Once the third Rover Cat Mk II is out send out iCat and Luxury Bath Cat. Once you kill the first One Horn, upgrade Worker Cat and just spam everything for the win.

Zombie Outbreak[]


Chapter 1[]

Max # of Deployable Cats: 10

Chapter 2[]

Max # of Deployable Cats: 15


Chapter 1[]

  • 5 One Horns spawn after 0.07 seconds2f, delay 3.33 seconds100f.
  • 5 Pigges spawn after 40 seconds1,200f, delay 6.67 seconds200f.
  • 5 Pigges spawn after 41.67 seconds1,250f, delay 6.67 seconds200f.
  • 5 Zir Zeals spawn after 50 seconds1,500f, delay 33.33~36.67 seconds1,000f~1,100f.
  • Infinite Znaches spawn after 56.67 seconds1,700f, delay 20~26.67 seconds600f~800f.

Chapter 2[]

  • 5 One Horns spawn after 0.07 seconds2f, delay 3.33 seconds100f.
  • 1 LeMurr spawns after 10 seconds300f.
  • 5 Pigges spawn after 40 seconds1,200f, delay 6.67 seconds200f.
  • 5 Hyppohs spawn after 40 seconds1,200f, delay 33.33~36.67 seconds1,000f~1,100f.
  • 5 Pigges spawn after 41.67 seconds1,250f, delay 6.67 seconds200f.
  • 5 J.J. Jackrabbits spawn after 43.33 seconds1,300f, delay 23.33~26.67 seconds700f~800f.
  • 3 Zir Zeals spawn after 50 seconds1,500f, delay 33.33~36.67 seconds1,000f~1,100f.
  • 5 Znaches spawn after 56.67 seconds1,700f, delay 20~26.67 seconds600f~800f.


Chapter 1[]



