Compared to Sunny Celeboodle, Selena has much higher health and deals more damage per hit, with no delay between attacks, but has one additional knockback and significantly shorter range. She also a 100% chance of knocking back cats and a 40% chance of slowing them.
For the most part, the same strategy that works against Sunny Celeboodle also works against Selena: meatshield non-stop while slowly whittling down her health with long-ranged attackers, including Bahamut Cat and other heavy hitters. Avoid using short-ranged units like Titans against Selena, as they will most likely be killed or knocked back repeatedly before they have a chance to attack. Also, if you time Bombercat correctly, you can easily stunlock her.
Turn the animation on and off using the switch in the upper left. Clicking the viewer background enables scrolling and zooming with the mouse if on desktop. Note that browser zoom may cause issues with scrolling and zooming. A list of available backgrounds can be found here. For more info on usage, see here.
Selena's spritesheet
Selena's moving animation
Her Japanese name, Namie-chan, may be a reference to Namie Amuro, also known as Amuro-chan.
Since both are famous singers, songwriters, actresses and producers, this could mean that her English name is, by extension, a reference to Selena Gomez.