Sending a Friend is the second stage in The Forbidden Bride.
- 10 Crocos spawn, delay 1.33~3.33 seconds40f~100f.
- Infinite Snaches spawn, delay 2~8 seconds60f~240f.
- 100 Those Guys spawn after 10.67 seconds320f, delay 6.67~13.33 seconds200f~400f.
- Infinite Sir Seals spawn after 40 seconds1,200f, delay 30~40 seconds900f~1,200f.
- When the base reaches 99% HP:
- 1 Teacher Bear spawns as the boss.
- 3 Kang Roos spawn, delay 5.33~8 seconds160f~240f.
Start by spamming Wall Cats to stall the enemies while upgrading the Cat Wallet a couple of times and saving your money. When Sir Seal is nearing your base, send out Mythical Titan Cat and Whale Cat. After that, keep spamming Meatshields, Brave Cats, and Sexy Legs Cats. One you hit the enemy base, Kang Roos will give you a lot of money, so spend it on more Mythical Titan Cats and Dragon Cats.