Silver Current is the fifth stage in Behemoth's Peak.
- Infinite Those Guys spawn after 2.67 seconds80f, delay 13.33~16.67 seconds400f~500f.
- 1 Oldhorn spawns as the boss after 3.33 seconds100f.
- Infinite Relic Doges spawn after 13.33 seconds400f, delay 26.67~30 seconds800f~900f.
- 4 UltraBaaBaas spawn after 30 seconds900f, delay 53.33~60 seconds1,600f~1,800f.
- 1 Othom spawns after 53.33 seconds1,600f.
- 3 Sir Rels spawn after 66.67 seconds2,000f, delay 1 second30f.
- 2 Two Cans spawn after 93.33 seconds2,800f, delay 73.33 seconds2,200f.
- 3 Sir Rels spawn after 126.67 seconds3,800f, delay 1 second30f.
- Infinite Relic Doges spawn after 126.67 seconds3,800f, delay 40~43.33 seconds1,200f~1,300f.
- 1 Youcan spawns after 146.67 seconds4,400f.
- 3 Sir Rels spawn after 200 seconds6,000f, delay 1 second30f.
- 3 Sir Rels spawn after 266.67 seconds8,000f, delay 1 second30f.
Stall the Oldhorn with Eraser Cats and Manic Eraser Cats. Use Manic Macho Legs to deal some chip damage to the Relic Doges. Spawn another Manic Macho Legs as soon as you have the opportunity and then spawn Kitty of Liberty along with it. Stop deploying your eraser cats at this point. This is to let UltraBaaBaa advance ahead of Oldhorn and die to Liberty. Othom should be approaching your base now. Once he reaches the base, deploy Doron to freeze him. Now spawn Awakened Bahamut, Idi:N2, Fishman Cat, and Slapstick Cats to nuke Othom. Resume spawning dual Erasers. Once Othom dies, deploy Mystic Uril to immobilize and defeat Oldhorn. During this process, when you see Two Can approaching, spawn an Octopus Cat. Two Can should die to your stack. Continue spawning Fishman and your other mid-cost attackers so you can win the battle before Youcan spawns.