Battle Cats Wiki

Sniper Cat (Hard) is the third and final stage in Thursday Stage.


  • Infinite Doges spawn, delay 3~20 seconds90f~600f.
  • Infinite Snaches spawn, delay 3~20 seconds90f~600f.
  • Infinite Those Guys spawn, delay 3~20 seconds90f~600f.
  • 1 Hippoe spawns.
  • When the base reaches 50% HP:
    • 1 Mooth spawns as the boss.
    • 3 Sir Seals spawn, delay 1~3 seconds30f~90f.


This stage is similar to the other Sniper Cat stages, but this time there are 400% buffed enemies and a Mooth as the boss. Use some Level 20 Basic Cats to complete this stage. If you're having trouble with the Mooth, use some tanky attackers (Mythical Titan Cat and Whale Cat) or use anti-floating units (Butterfly Cat or Necromancer Cat).

Strategy 1 (Speedrun)[]

This strategy takes approximately 30 seconds to complete per run.

Lineup: 2 Cat Cannon Start UP Combos (e.g., Deathrock and Yesterday's Enemy), Crazed Cow Cat, Awakened Bahamut Cat.

Cannon: Iron Wall

The use of one Sm and one M Combo is necessary for the timing.

Battle: All you need to do is spawn two Crazed Cows and then save up for A. Bahamut. The moment you have enough money, send him out. Right before he attacks the enemy base, fire the Cat Cannon, and the new wave of enemies will be blocked. A. Bahamut should be able to end it within 2 more hits (after killing the Mooth, then attacking the base).

