Template:EnemiesAppearing Standstill Earth is the third and final stage in #03 Mischevous Schemes.
- 1 Chocolate Doge spawns after 3.33 seconds100f.
- 4 Vlad de Sables spawn after 1.33 seconds40f, delay 5~10 seconds150f~300f.
- Infinite Glowstick Guys spawn after 0.67 seconds20f, delay 2~5 seconds60f~150f.
- Infinite Pumpkin Doges spawn after 2 seconds60f, delay 6.67~13.33 seconds200f~400f.
- 30 Vlad de Sables spawn after 1.33 seconds40f, delay 5~10 seconds150f~300f.
- When the base reaches 99% HP:
- 1 Bears Be Back spawns as the boss.
- 1 Cat Kart P spawns after 20 seconds600f.
- 7 Chocolate Doges spawn, delay 13.33~16.67 seconds400f~500f.
- 3 Count Owlbrows spawn, delay 26.67~40 seconds800f~1,200f.
- 1 Bears Be Back spawns after 40 seconds1,200f.
1 crown
To start off the stage, you will want to juggle the Vlad de Sables until you have the maximum cash possible. It’s preferable to get a small stack of infrequently attacking units like Lasvoss or Windy, due to their low pushing power. Once you’re ready, hit the tower and a large initial wave of enemies will spawn followed by an increasing amount of backliners and Chocolate Doges overtime.
Each individual Chocolate Doge has over 1 million HP, and creates mini-waves that decimate any and every unit behind your meatshields. You can use this to your advantage, however, as It’s advised to utilize either high HP or wave immune back-liners to snipe the Bears be Back and Count Owlbrows using the Chocolate doges as stepping stones. Ubers like Kasli the Bane/scourge, King of Destiny/Doom Phonoa, talented Splendid Ganesha, or Cats in the Cradle can work to damage the offense further back. If you don’t own any of these, the stage is still possible, albeit much more difficult.
Talented Pizza Cat and talented Dancer Cat can create highly damaging wave and surge attacks that cripple the enemies overtime. Additionally, talented C.A.T can work to weaken the Chocolate Doges as well. In case it’s not obvious, the main problem in this stage is split evenly between the Chocolate Doges and highly damaging backliners. It’s almost a requirement to kill the Chocolate Doges quickly before they begin stacking up, as three or more will push far harder than any person can reasonably defend, and this is with each doge having over 1m HP. Using Octopus Cat or Supercat is a method to prevent units from getting sniped and killer by the Chocolate doge’s mini-waves, but will get promptly obliterated when they reach the front lines. You can still utilize that opportunity to allow bombercats to freeze the doges if not for a short amount while (though this strategy is inconsistent at best).
The Bears be Back, Owlbrows, and Cat Kart P are not particularly heavy pushers, but will still decimate any cat that gets into their range, this means its Ill advised to push the Chocolate Doges back into their line of sight. For this reason it’s preferable to get the backliners out of the way before dealing with all 8 Chocolate Doges. It’s a brutal stage for what’s supposed to be an easy event, but not impossible by any stretch of the imagination.
2 crown
The strategy from before is still possible, albeit it becomes a lot harder to pull it off properly than before. All enemy units have their HP and damage increased by 1.5x which includes the dreaded Chocolate Doge mini-waves. They also now have 1.5M HP each. If you have any wave immune LD units, and/or high damage, high HP anti black uber like Immortal Yukimura or Keiji, you will want to bring them out now because the enemies will push far more efficiently past your meat-shields.
3 crown
Pray to whatever deity you worship. You’re going to be dealing with 2M HP Chocolate Doges cutting right through your defense like a knife through butter. The Owlbrows and Bears be Back now have a sizeable 1.6M, and 2M HP each, with the Cat Kart P having 3M on the side.
this results in a stage that holds a total enemy HP of a little over 25 MILLION; it’s recommended that your units are the highest level possible before attempting this stage.